
Aww bitsy, that blue is so pretty. I'm glad she is still looking like a she, and..I think I'll have you come over and trim my white girl..you do a great job! Looks nice, like nothings has been done. It is funny how they are so excited to see. Guess I'll do my girl tomorrow. She will be happy to see again. I have a lot of white silkies that shouldn't have all of that fluff. I'm excited to see how they end up looking. They looked great in the photos. I will be able to have a silkie walk around the yard, and these little ones are really active. Robust if you will. :)

Hey, how are you feeling? Nice cool weather to help you feel better than that hot weather I'm sure.
Hi all, so my Brahma rooster started crowing today. Though it was not a loud crow,I have stuck him in the garage as it was too much too early for the sake of the neighbors. With that also came the inclination to stand up the the hens that have been scaring the daylights out of him till last night. I am waiting to take him back out to the run at about 9 to sit with them to make sure he doesn't tear the hens up too much as he is soooo much bigger than any of them. If he is too rough or if that constant crowing doesn't simmer down I have someone that will take him and process him but if if someone wants a beautiful Brahma rooster that is so far very nice to humans I may be getting rid of him and would rather he went to someone that wants him alive instead of in the stew pot.
I am so happy! I went outside and found our little White Leghorn sitting on the nest. She is our least people friendly, so I don't think she would squat for me. She also ran off the nest when I opened the egg door to get eggs. All the other chicks (14 weeks) were all sitting on the roosting bar watching her and their momma on the 2 nests. Her comb and waddle are really undeveloped, so I think I still have a while, but who knows? I am really excited, especially since I went and checked on her again and found her sitting in the same nest as her mamma. Actually, this time she was sitting on her mamma, but still. I just had to share.
Aww bitsy, that blue is so pretty. I'm glad she is still looking like a she, and..I think I'll have you come over and trim my white girl..you do a great job! Looks nice, like nothings has been done. It is funny how they are so excited to see. Guess I'll do my girl tomorrow. She will be happy to see again. I have a lot of white silkies that shouldn't have all of that fluff. I'm excited to see how they end up looking. They looked great in the photos. I will be able to have a silkie walk around the yard, and these little ones are really active. Robust if you will. :)

Hey, how are you feeling? Nice cool weather to help you feel better than that hot weather I'm sure.
I didn't trim too much, but just enough that she could see ;) (poor girl had to put up with the dull scissors I had outside lol!!!) If you do need my help trimming, you are welcome to bring them over ;) haha! I haven't been leaving the house much... too many getting up and downs (and in and outs from the car) causes sort of painful contractions

I am feeling ready to be done... the weather has been lovely :D loved the rain. contractions are getting more and more noticeable each day.... I've not had a history of coming early... but only about a week and a half left :) (I hope she doesn't come early... my son's birthday is on the 19th, and I don't want him to feel left out this year)
I've not been on in a while. I hope everyone is well. I need some advice. I have a Leghorn that I found tonight laying on her belly and won't get up on her feet. Normally she will run from me but didn't mind getting picked up. She is about 5 months old. Not laying yet. No blood, bones feel fine. Any ideas on what is going on?


I didn't trim too much, but just enough that she could see ;) (poor girl had to put up with the dull scissors I had outside lol!!!) If you do need my help trimming, you are welcome to bring them over ;) haha! I haven't been leaving the house much... too many getting up and downs (and in and outs from the car) causes sort of painful contractions

I am feeling ready to be done... the weather has been lovely :D loved the rain. contractions are getting more and more noticeable each day.... I've not had a history of coming early... but only about a week and a half left :) (I hope she doesn't come early... my son's birthday is on the 19th, and I don't want him to feel left out this year)

Well, he may feel left out if the baby was born on his birthday now, but later, they would get a kick out of it! You sound really close! The 19th, was my mom's birthday. :) Good date.
I am so happy! I went outside and found our little White Leghorn sitting on the nest. She is our least people friendly, so I don't think she would squat for me. She also ran off the nest when I opened the egg door to get eggs. All the other chicks (14 weeks) were all sitting on the roosting bar watching her and their momma on the 2 nests. Her comb and waddle are really undeveloped, so I think I still have a while, but who knows? I am really excited, especially since I went and checked on her again and found her sitting in the same nest as her mamma. Actually, this time she was sitting on her mamma, but still. I just had to share.

Sounds like you will be getting an egg soon. The leghorn comb will not be fully developed at the time they start to lay. It will come along. You will be surprised at how much more it will grow, even after she starts laying. And, they get more friendly after they start laying. My first girl now squats for me, she didn't at first, and, this new girl isn't yet..but I know she will eventually. Her egg isn't looking like a torpedo anymore.
I've not been on in a while. I hope everyone is well. I need some advice. I have a Leghorn that I found tonight laying on her belly and won't get up on her feet. Normally she will run from me but didn't mind getting picked up. She is about 5 months old. Not laying yet. No blood, bones feel fine. Any ideas on what is going on?

maybe egg bound soak her lower body in warn water and put some oil in her vent. You may also give her some pet tinic or sugar water for strength. She may also have had an injury good luck

Hi all! It has been a while! Just thought I'd drop in and say hello to my chicken friends! We have had a busy summer and added a new little one to the family (a human, not a chick)
). The gardens are doing great and my sunflowers are about to bloom. :) the chickens are happy and healthy (although I need to add a second roost to my coop for my juvies.)
I'm working on building a second coop for an aunt, and I really want to keep it cause it looks so good!!!
Hope all is well on your homesteads!

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