
Thanks Ace, thank you newmarch!

You want to know what hens are surprisingly good at laying jumbo eggs? Cornish X.
I keep getting double yolkers.
I have heard that they lay hard and fast. Quick burn out on the egg production in other words.
I have heard that they lay hard and fast. Quick burn out on the egg production in other words.  

I wouldn't doubt it. They are laying HUGE eggs! We got these ladies as chicks with intentions to raise them for the freezer. That's still the intention, but we are enjoying the giant eggs before camp time comes around :)
My mums and Alysum went crazy this yr. Well, the Alysum always does. I pull it back, it comes back. I planted my sunflowers late too, but they did great. Heavy with seed now, the chickens will love it tomorrow.

The first egg is something you will always remember… perhaps make an egg sandwich and share it will all? Just reading about yours (kid) makes me remember the taste of our first one last year. Take plenty of pictures, they will help in keeping that special feeling.

Best to all and your birds,

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Sad morning. My husband went out to find our rooster dead. :( He's the first bird we've had die. I'm certain it was from the homemade velcro no crow collar he was wearing. I've been meaning to switch him over to the softer, more forgiving collars I got from Australia but we've all been so busy with school that I was waiting for a time that I could really keep an eye on him. He'd had the homemade one on for 2-3 months. RIP poor boy. He was so good with his girls and us humans. :( We live in the city. What do we do with a dead rooster?
So sorry iPick. Sometimes that stuff happens. If you're not comfortable with cleaning and eating him, you can always bury him in the garden and let him fertilize the flowers.
Is he ok to eat? I know he died overnight or this morning. Not sure how long they can sit. My husband was just out yesterday evening hand feeding him meal worms. I'm pretty certain his collar was the issue since he has gotten a lot quieter in the past couple weeks and I don't think I've heard him crow at all in the past couple days.
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