
I just received an email from the head of city planning...................... The roosters stay!!

I'm thanking my creator right now!

Well Red, I have had my eye on that since Bitsy first posted it… I am not sure one would cover me up to the standards of modesty mostly espoused here, but perhaps a double breasted one could or would work. Would make a great chore 'dress.' I'll double check under the chicken tree when the time comes around. As for the other two, they would look stunning!

C'mon RJ, you know you want one ;) who can resist that kind of chicken charm?

Seriously, I would get one if I wore aprons. Unfortunately, my jeans and the belly of my shirts unwittingly get the job whenever I'm in the kitchen....
Nice! Did he say anything about changing the ordinance in the future?
They did not, and I hope they don't.

sidewing i am so happy you get to keep your boys! are you going to keep both of them now?
I will probably still sell the BCM or give it to a BYC member. I have a group of Bev Davis BCM that I will plan on keeping pure for the first generation at least.

By the way, Sid, RJ and Birdman I think you guys would look charming in that apron
Why thank you Sundance!

I got to meet LadyIsadora and her hubby tonight. We did our darnedest to get rid of the bumblefoot on her sweet little duck. Hope it helps! And it was good to meet you, Isadora :)
They did not, and I hope they don't.

I will probably still sell the BCM or give it to a BYC member. I have a group of Bev Davis BCM that I will plan on keeping pure for the first generation at least.

Why thank you Sundance!

Good to hear. I really need to get rid of my Brahma rooster but I just don't have the heart. He is so timid with humans, crows only for about an hour in the morning inside the coop usually and then again for about an hour at 5pm. He is pretty sweet with the girls, his only crime is being too big and clumsy during mating so he breaks feathers, yanks and tears combs and yanks the feathers out of the top of their heads. The older girls that have no patience for him spend all their time in a tiny spot on top of the compost he cannot easily get to. So I really should get rid of him but I feel guilty killing him off since he is not a bad guy and his only real crime is being a clumsy guy.

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