
Hi Marty,
You and I just got some bags of grain yesterday from Margaret on Eagle Mountain.
She said you would like to try getting a shipment in. Maybe we can split the 200 bag
shipment between us. Two stops in Sandy - maybe they wouldn't charge us the extra
$25 charge when I split a load with Margaret.

Anyway, how are your Delaware chicks doing?

I have 200 chicks arriving this Friday, Feb 25th. I have extras of some of the 7 breeds.
If anyone from the Salt Lake City area down to Provo is interested in a variety of chicks
check this out on KSL:


my website is: www.SunnyBrookeFarm.com
Well welcome stranger!

Love LOVE my Dellies! Planning on selling the "old girls" who just turned 2, and replacing them with Delawares and Aracaunas.
Of the 5 or 6 breeds I've tried, I like these the Delawares the best. I don't like the EE'ers because they 1) take too long before they lay, 2) they are not very social. They stay away by themselves, and are 'snobby'. and 3) They don't like to be picked up/held. But, they lay blue eggs, and my customers (and my wife) seem to think that's a plus.

I bought 50 Dellies form Privett that came on Friday. 1 DOA, sold 12, and will probably keep 14 of them, (plus the 6 EEs we got at IFA Wednesday.) So, 23 more to sell.
But, they're all settled in, so I might just keep 'em all! (grin)

I'll PM you about grain.


Got 5 chicks on reserve from Christie. Picking them up Saturday.
Thought I'd share some pics of a brooder I had to create since I got extra with my replacements and my math when ordering this year was really bad...or good?

I used kid/dog playpen panels and lined them with political signs (free), which had grommet (sp?) holes so I could zip tie them together, worked out pretty slick. The white holds in heat and dust, easy to wipe clean and I noticed that I haven't need as strong a bulb as when I lined a cage with cardboard in the past. Total size is 3' x 6' and had to get a little creative with the top covering. I took the pics after I put the chicks in so they are sorta crammed in the corner under one lamp a little nervous. Now they are zipping up and down and having fun.

For the floor I used big pieces of ribbed cardboard, found a huge roll of it at the recycling center once. I put down several layers so when I need to clean I can just pull or roll up the top dirty one.

Hope I get these imgs right...






Hope you don't mind, I'm reposting here as no one had answers on my Raising Baby Chicks post and I don't want to lose this sweet chick. Pics below.

I hv a 1-wk old Delaware that is loosing down on its neck and chest. I hv one of those long metal chick feeders that have the flippy bar (to prevent perching) and I'm wondering if she got caught under it and rubbed the top of her neck. However that doesn't explain the loss under the neck.

My chicks are warm, no pecking, no bugs, all active, etc. I did pull her out tho because the other chicks saw skin and just barely started to inspect. Her loosing fluff happened w/in approx an hr because I'd recently completed a pasty-butt check. She looks a little globby because I read on this board that putting bag balm will help deter pecking and sooth the skin. It turned off most chicks and helped the redness but I had a couple little antwerps that kept trying so I just isolated her. Right now she's on my desk under a lamp, well actually I'm holding her but can't keep this up all day.

She's eating, drinking, active. Any ideas what to do? Do I just make sure she's warm, alone and wait for feathers to come in? I've never had this happen! oh, and I took the bar off the feeder and think I'll change types. Is this a Delaware thing? (loosing fluff?)

Oh, I also have Quik Chik and started antibotics in her water just in case. Question... do you think if I started her on lettuce, flax, oatmeal, etc and started chick grit that would be good?? or is sticking to the Start & Grow (non medicated) best for her? I've raised a lots of chickens but this is a first for me... and my first Delaware chicks. Oh, nothing crawling on her, skin doesn' even look irritated, just naked and gooey now.

Thanks for any advice! julie


Julie, I hope someone can reply real fast. The poor thing
Did you get her from a hatchery? If so, maybe you could call them before they close and ask if they have ever seen this before. Good luck
That's weird because I was also in there the same late morning/early afternoon and they were just sleeping. They didn't have too many left like they did on Fri morning when I was in looking at them. Are you sure they weren't just sleeping? Any experience I have had at Riverton IFA (I shop there all the time) the associates have been quick to remove any that look sick or otherwise because it upsets the kids. They have a great brooder that allows kids to look in but they don't allow kids to handle them which is great because its not good for the chicks.
That's weird because I was also in there the same late morning/early afternoon and they were just sleeping. They didn't have too many left like they did on Fri morning when I was in looking at them. Are you sure they weren't just sleeping? Any experience I have had at Riverton IFA (I shop there all the time) the associates have been quick to remove any that look sick or otherwise because it upsets the kids. They have a great brooder that allows kids to look in but they don't allow kids to handle them which is great because its not good for the chicks.

i myself was a little shocked because i know it must not be good for business. they could of been sleeping but i don't think so. i asked a store associate to take a look at the ones that i was sure they are dead and he just said that they know and they will get them later. i could be wrong but they just did not look good to me and like i said they looked to be dead for a while. i am no expert with chickens but i am no stranger to birds at the same time. who knows
but even if i saw tons of dead chicks it still would not stop me from buying stuff at the store

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