
There are how-to threads on caponizing at:

"How to caponize a rooster Warning Graphic pics"

"I Caponized! ***Graphic Pics*** Not For Faint of Heart."


As far as de-crowing, here are some comments from other BYCers on various threads.

jackiefunsize: "i live in a built up area..... so no roosters aloud lol....... before i could rehome my rooster...... i restricted the head room in the bed so he couldn't stand tall..... i'd let them out the bed after 7 when everyone was up...... this does work try it....."

FutureChickenMan: "I've heard rumors that you can stop a roo from crowing in the coop by putting a roost very close to the ceiling. The theory is that the roo will find the tallest roost to crow from. When he cannot get a full stretch for his crow, and bonks his head on the ceiling he won't crow.
Of course, if it does work, it'd only work inside.
[Comment from me (SpeckledHills)--I think that would only possibly work first thing in the morning, cuz the roo would crow when was on the ground during the day]
Other option (possibly) is to caponize him. But I think that only works if you do it before he's sexually mature. And there's still no guarentee that will work. Plus, if he's without his manhood, you might as well put him in the stock pot 'cause he's not going to do his job as flock leader."

Oblio13: "I had dinner at my vet's house yesterday and asked him about surgical procedures. The bottom line is that a rooster's vocal cords are so low that getting to them is major surgery.
I did a little internet research this morning and came up with these methods, but I have no idea how effective they are:
-Black out the bird's cage at night
-Put a muzzle and collar on the bird
-Put a hood or a sock with a hole over the bird's head, and cut out space for the beak and nose
-Soundproof your pens
-Raise the roost close enough to the ceiling so he can't stretch up to crow."

Sparrow: (re. Doing surgery to a rooster's vocal chords to de-crow him) "In my opinion, it's a similar idea to de-barking a dog. TONS of dogs bark at night and in the city and people just tolerate that ruckus. I don't think many people would be apt to have that surgery done to their pet dog. hmm
I would never do that to my roosters, and I have 3 crowing inside my house right now. Then again, I also have an Umbrella Cockatoo, one of the world's highest decibel producing birds. I'm obviously more sound-tolerant than most. lol "
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Hi, all! I am in Farmington and have a 20-week-old Sebastopol gander I need to sell. He is a gray splash saddleback and has been raised by hand (by me!) with a couple of siblings. He is very sweet. And he has blue eyes!
Anyone out there interested? I'd like him to have another goose or two for company - or at least some ducks to chase!
Call me if interested: 801-644-6165 and I'll get you some pics.
Welcome theo..

Farmington is a neat place. A lot of quiet area out there. Wouldn't mind living there.

Can't have anything that makes noise here in Spanish Fork..good luck on here..hopefully someone will come along and see this that can have them.

Just went to check out these Sebastopol1'... they are beautiful!
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Has anyone else figured this out? If there was a giant "L" on the mountain in Lindon, the mountains would spell UGLY.

The U in SLC, the G in PG, and the Y in Provo
We have found the least expensive feed from Leland Mills in Spanish Fork. Its fresh and they sell bulk. I would check with them to see if they do organic.
the-bird-man - This is so funny because my chickens will not eat the WHEAT in the scratch grain, but go crazy for the CORN!! If I turn up the soil they'll eat the sprouted wheat. otherwise it just lays there. I've told them they are supposed to like it - Silly girls!
the-bird-man - This is so funny because my chickens will not eat the WHEAT in the scratch grain, but go crazy for the CORN!! If I turn up the soil they'll eat the sprouted wheat. otherwise it just lays there. I've told them they are supposed to like it - Silly girls!

Interesting timing, for the first time my older flock is leaving the corn behind! So I was trying to find an alternative from our small feedstore - they don't carry wheat. I explained to the owner (who is well educated in feeds, etc. has some degree in nutrient whatever). Anyway, he said that it sounded like the older flock didn't need the corn. They have free ranged during the day this entire summer and are obviously getting what they need. This is a first for them and I guessing come winter they will be back wanting scratch. So I didn't waste money on buying anything besides layer feed for them. My younger, always in the coop girls, love the scratch and anything else I give them. The free range thing could also explain why they never ate any melons (after they picked out the seeds), while the young ones picked them all clean.
so last night i walked into the coop to find what looked like a csi crime scene, one of my leghorns broke a nail off while going to bed and blood was sprayed all over. i got the blood stopped but it freaked me out. and then i was at the fair yesterday and fell in love with a rabbit so i ended up buying her and she is now with the chickens, she has a cage but i also let her run in the run and my girls are scared of her. i am hopeing they all can co-exist together so i can dump the cage and just have the rabbit sleep in the coop. wish me luck!

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