
Hi you guys!
I'm on the look out for some Black Copper Maran's and a blue egg layer like an Americana - do any of you know of somewhere local that might be selling these breeds, or an online (reputable) site that isn't out of stock? I think if I didn't want these two particular breeds they'd probably be readily available

LOVING all of the new baby pictures on the other page, sooo cute!

Hey Gypsy... I was looking for Americana's yesterday. IFA Draper is getting 5 in today, and I think IFA 21st South also, but don't remember for sure. Call first. (I wouldn't buy from them any other day except the day they come in. They're not very good taking care of new peeps). Also, I called Privett Hatchery in New Mexico. They're out of them until May! ugh... Sorry, can't help you on BCM's...
The T'ville planning Commission met tonight to rule on our application for four hens and they approved us for five! My neighbor behind us came and voiced his objections - horrible smell, ticks, noise, and hundreds of diseases that his two dogs will now be susceptible to. One of the commissioners said, "So you're voicing concern over things that actually haven't happened yet, and may never happen?" He just shrugged, then said he didn't want chickens in 'his back yard.' Maybe since it's his back yard I should start sending him a bill for part of my mortgagae. :) After the commission approved our permit, one of the commission members thanked him for coming and voicing his concern. He wadded up the agenda, threw it down and said, "Thanks for wasting my time!" Guess who won't be getting any eggs!!

After the meeting, I thanked them for their time. One of them said they've approved at least a dozen permits, almost all of them with concern from neighbors over smell and noise, but they've had no complaints after the chickens were actually on the properties. I told them I was sure they'd have their first from my neighbor. He'd complain no matter what. They all wished us luck and told us not to worry as long as we were in compliance with the ordinance. I told them we plan to be.

So, now I get to start building our coop this weekend!

Nice... Once your egg production gets going this fall, offer him some eggs anyway. It might smooth things over.
Congratulations SDW! I am so happy for you. Pfft to that neighbor. He will be jealous and want chickens when he sees your setup

Cynthia--the lav looks exactly like my smaller one....girls I think! Mine looks like the same size. I agree on the slower to mature....by BA is way bigger, and younger. and that little splash I got from your hatch with the chipmunk and where you lost the black----teeny tiny. She is older than the EE's and she is about half their size, about 1/3 size of the lavs. Teeny and super cute. My daughter named her Willow

NO I did not know any of that so never think I know this stuff haha! I am glad you are telling me for sure. I was thinking if I put these eggs in 5 days after I set the others, the others would be done and hatch---then I could "lockdown" the second batch...after getting whatever chicks/eggs out from the first batch would that work?
Ok, so you have other eggs that will be 5 days later than the ones that go into lock down. Lock down meaning you pump up the humidity to 65/68, and, you do not open the bator until they are hatched. Where will your other eggs be that you put in with those that are in lock down be? In there with them during lock down? That means they can't be turned for those last few days they should be, and, that would be too much humidity for them. See what I'm saying? The other 5 have to go somewhere else while the first ones set go into lock down. Yep, another bator, unless you decide not to do the other ones.

And that is great that the heat didn't get up too high with that other thermometer. Now, keep the heat around 100, just below, or just above is fine. Wherever you can get it settled. 99~101 Humidity at this time can be anywhere from 40's to mid 50's. You will find if you let the water run down, the temp will go higher. I only fill the middle tray in the dry bator when incubating..all of them when in lock down. There is the middle water tray, and two on each side of that. Just fill the middle one that circles around.
You do have the same bator I pictured right? The one with the little red knob to tweak for temps? It only takes a teeny tiny turn to get that to change a lot. Just have to watch it to get that temp right. Have fun. I can see you now, hovering over those eggs..just like Wendy and me!

Oh Shinx, I am thinking of selling those babies. If they hatch! Today is hatch day..only one has pipped that I can see. Will be a long day!
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SDWarren, Congrats on your approval!!!!!! Your neighbor sounds wretched! Out of curiosity, do you hear his dogs bark? I'm glad the council was so supportive of you.

His dogs only bark every time they come outside. They stand at the neighbors' fences and all their dogs bark at each other. They also come to the fence and bark when my kids are outside playing.
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Yes! I look like a fool staring at the eggs. haha! Thanks for the info. I appreciate it all so so so much! Yes mine is the same---the knob is ridiculously sensitive, I have to tweak it just a bit, so that it did not even turn, just a hair movement. I did not think about the new eggs needing turned :( My master plan is foiled. Yes I might need bator #2 haha
His dogs only bark every time they come outside. They stand at the neighbors' fences and all their dogs bark at each other. They also come to the fence and bark when my kids are outside playing.

Nice neighbor! Ugh! My chickens are much quieter than dogs. My next door neighbor said she has never heard them. I only have heard them when one wants to lay, another is in the favorite nest....then alot of bagawking goes on for 5 min or so....but really the geese flying overhead are about the same thing, not annoying at all. He will probably feel dumb later after he realizes what a big stink he made over nothing. So glad they let you have them despite his crusade to stop you!
So, the chicks arrived from Greenfire today--I had ordered 4 Cream Legbar girls and 2 boys, all of which arrived looking very perky and happy. Hard as heck to get pics of them--they move so dang fast that most of the pictures ended up all blurry, but here are a few that weren't so bad:

In addition to the Cream Legbars, I received four mystery chicks-- We think they are Breda's, but I am waiting to hear back from Greenfire as to what they are. Cute as buttons, with feathering going down their legs. Only problem is, I don't think I really have room for them, what with all the BLRW's I'm hatching and the Cream Legbars that I'm TRYING to hatch (we'll see how that goes--got a couple in lockdown now). Guess I'll try to sell them once I find out for sure what they are; Here's some pics of them for those who might have better ideas than I do--I'm guessing Breda's just based on what Greenfire has available on their website.

Sorry that last pic is sideways--for the life of me, I can't get the pics I pull from my iPhone to do what I want them to do half the time, regardless of what program I use to try to edit them once they are on the computer. Very frustrating! I need to get myself a real camera sometime!
Whatever they are, they're very cute. I've never even heard of a Breda Chicken before.

Niiiiiiiice that the annoying neighbor has barky dogs. Awesome. Hopefully he'll chill out when he realizes the fuss is for nothing.

When I dropped my son off at preschool this afternoon, one of the preschool teachers told me that when she arrived at the school this morning, the entire building smelled really, really awful, like something had died. They assumed it was the eggs. However, when I got there, things smelled fine to me. I do have a HORRIBLE sense of smell though. So, I opened up the incubator and had the teacher take a whiff. She didn't smell anything bad in the bator. Soooooo, I'm hoping the bad smell is unrelated. What do you think?
Donna your chicks are gorgeous! All of them! I am glad you posted baby pics so we could see :)

I was outside this morning trying to get some pictures to post of the new setup. We added an annex to the original, so it is double. THEN I put the chicks out there today as well. My big girls just keep staring at them.

The coop. We have not finished the long run behind yet, it will be lots bigger.

And here are the babies in their new home

Black ee says "what the heck is this doing in here?"

"You have got to be kidding me, not again!"

My BO says " you seriously thought she was done?" How dumb are you!
Babies say :"Get us OUT of here!"

She says "how come they get crumbles instead of these disgusting pellets! See if I give her a blue egg Hmmmpf!"
Cynthia---I have not looked closely at these guys for a few days, been egg-obsessing.....BOTH the little EE's have tails that are curling downward on the ends. Big time. AND the splash Ameraucana too. Both lavs are upright (small and perky still) and the BA. So now I do not know what the heck is going on, maybe lavs are girls, and the other three boys, haha it is so funny it just goes back and forth. Then the little EE that I thought was a girl, looked like she was trying to throw up this morning, and out came this weird sound. Hmmmm....suspicious! I will give it a week and take pics again to see if it gets (worse) haha! Naughty girls, acting like boys! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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