
Wgidir - I am so sorry that your Silkie turned out to be a roo this morning. It's a bugger that it turned out to be the one you are so attached to. I have one that looks just like yours that I have been hoping won't turn up crowing one of these mornings.

Blujems - I hope your goat is OK. I am so glad that you heard her and got out there quickly. It drives me crazy when people don't take good care of their dogs. The sad thing is that when they aren't responsible with their animals it is always the dog that pays for it, not the people aren't taking care of it. Please keep us posted on how your goat is doing.
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So is it your new neighbors dog? That is so upsetting. How is your goat doing today?

Blujems - I hope your goat is OK. I am so glad that you heard her and got out there quickly. It drives me crazy when people don't take good care of their dogs. The sad thing is that when they aren't responsible with their animals it is always the dog that pays for it, not the people aren't taking care of it. Please keep us posted on how your goat is doing.
Yes, the new neighbor has 2 dogs. a black lab and a white "husky"? (tall and skinny thing) The lab was on the other side of the fence, luckily couldn't get in. They caught them both last night and are locked up.
The goat is very sore but as long as I can keep it from getting infected, should heal up as long as there is not any permanent damage.
Aw blujems that is awful! I hope your new nieghbors reign the dog in and don't keep letting it go to your place. Hope she heals up ok :hugs Glad it did not decide to eat your chickens while he was there!

I sat out with my son's bb gun this morning trying to scare the hawk away. And a bunch of magpies. My Dh said I was like Annie Oakley, in my bathrobe toting a gun around the yard. It did get rid of them we will see if they stay gone. I had lost one a few weeks ago to my own dog, then the little polish, so I do not want any more injuries/murders going on with my flock!
Wgidir sorry about your Rooster....that always bites.

Thanks for all the congrats. The Rooster seems so Happy to be home with his girls.

Right after I posted last night I went to bed and heard one of the goats screaming. I jumped and ran and found a big white dog in the pen. I ran into the pen screaming. Hubby came and told me to go back out, and then all the goats came running. So I pushed them all into the little pen and made sure they were all there.
The dog had jumped out and ran. The neighbors (moved in 2 weeks ago) said they had gotten out and they hadn't seen it for awhile. It should be gone soon.
My Reserve Grand Champion got her leg all bit up and the udder has a tooth mark. She is not putting weight on the leg. Hopefully there in no permanent damage. I am just sick, She had to have been standing between the others and the dog. She is the Queen and probably trying to protect the others.
I am so angry I could take it out myself.

We also found that the dog has been trying to dig into the chicken coops.

Make the nieghbor pay for a vet to come tend to her. They are responsible for any damage their dog causes, Should have shot the dog. Call the police and file a complaint while the damge is still evident.
Make the nieghbor pay for a vet to come tend to her. They are responsible for any damage their dog causes, Should have shot the dog. Call the police and file a complaint while the damge is still evident.

I have taken pics. He knows he will be paying for any vet bills. We would have "taken care of" the dog if we could have gotten a shot. He says it is gone, but not sure what that means. I am thinking about filing a complaint though. She is our best doe and not sure if we will be able to show her or even get her bred this year. Time will tell, but I am worried about nerve damage.
I am pretty sure she put up quite a fight.
All the other goats are afraid to go out front for more than a few min.
I have taken pics. He knows he will be paying for any vet bills. We would have "taken care of" the dog if we could have gotten a shot. He says it is gone, but not sure what that means. I am thinking about filing a complaint though. She is our best doe and not sure if we will be able to show her or even get her bred this year. Time will tell, but I am worried about nerve damage.
I am pretty sure she put up quite a fight.
All the other goats are afraid to go out front for more than a few min.

You should for sure file a complaint the sooner the better. That way the neighbors know you are serious about your animal protection. I am going to the goat dairy to buy some milk to make my cheese
I have taken pics. He knows he will be paying for any vet bills. We would have "taken care of" the dog if we could have gotten a shot. He says it is gone, but not sure what that means. I am thinking about filing a complaint though. She is our best doe and not sure if we will be able to show her or even get her bred this year. Time will tell, but I am worried about nerve damage.
I am pretty sure she put up quite a fight.
All the other goats are afraid to go out front for more than a few min.
I'm with Happy on this one-bad dog owners make bad dogs. Not the dogs fault they become what they do, and is pisses me off to no end!
My heart breaks for your goats! The poor things, still so scared. And what a heroic effort by your alpha doe. I hope she recovered quickly. I just want to cry!

Look what I'm setting tonight.

I wonder how many will hatch?
Oh, my! How many eggs are there? What kind? WOW! FUN!!!

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