
Wgidir sorry about your Rooster....that always bites.

Thanks for all the congrats. The Rooster seems so Happy to be home with his girls.

Right after I posted last night I went to bed and heard one of the goats screaming. I jumped and ran and found a big white dog in the pen. I ran into the pen screaming. Hubby came and told me to go back out, and then all the goats came running. So I pushed them all into the little pen and made sure they were all there.
The dog had jumped out and ran. The neighbors (moved in 2 weeks ago) said they had gotten out and they hadn't seen it for awhile. It should be gone soon.
My Reserve Grand Champion got her leg all bit up and the udder has a tooth mark. She is not putting weight on the leg. Hopefully there in no permanent damage. I am just sick, She had to have been standing between the others and the dog. She is the Queen and probably trying to protect the others.
I am so angry I could take it out myself.

We also found that the dog has been trying to dig into the chicken coops.

I'm so sorry about your animals!
Thats so sad! Hopefully the neighbor will keep them more controlled! (We have to keep our pups on runs, or in the back yard so they don't get out and bother the neighbors and their animals!) I wish people would be more responsible with their pets? I know its in their nature to hunt, but if your animal has a tendency to do something like that, set up a way they can still be outside without leaving the property! ANYWAY... Sending your goat healing vibes!
I'm so sorry about your animals!
Thats so sad! Hopefully the neighbor will keep them more controlled! (We have to keep our pups on runs, or in the back yard so they don't get out and bother the neighbors and their animals!) I wish people would be more responsible with their pets? I know its in their nature to hunt, but if your animal has a tendency to do something like that, set up a way they can still be outside without leaving the property! ANYWAY... Sending your goat healing vibes!

thanks, He says he is getting rid of the one. and the other is in a kennel.
Ugh, Blu, so sorry about the dog! I was going to suggest that if the dog came back, you should shoot it. It sounds like the neighbor is taking care of the problem, though. I just hope the other dog has somewhere to run around without getting in your yard.

Sundance, did someone already guess Sulmtaler? Icelandic?

Lisa, you're my kinda woman! Just don't get caught shooting at the hawks.

Look what I'm setting tonight.

I wonder how many will hatch?

Oh no, we've lost Cynthia. Maaaaan overbooooaaaard!!
So since I am new to this and have only gone on what IFA told me about roosters, I have to find a home for my silkie roo. I don't mean to sound desperate but my DH says it has to go.... like yesterday. What did the rest of you that can't have roosters do with yours when they grew up? Every morning we are getting up and trying to beat him to the punch by giving him seeds to distract him from crowing. That is getting old LOL.
So since I am new to this and have only gone on what IFA told me about roosters, I have to find a home for my silkie roo. I don't mean to sound desperate but my DH says it has to go.... like yesterday. What did the rest of you that can't have roosters do with yours when they grew up? Every morning we are getting up and trying to beat him to the punch by giving him seeds to distract him from crowing. That is getting old LOL.

Put an add on KSL
Wgidir, Sorry that your white silkie turned out to be a roo. I second Lisa- KSL is great for placing roosters.

Blujems, I am so sorry about your poor goat. I would take her to the vet now, just to get her checked out, and make sure the neighbors pay the bill. I hope she makes a fast and full recovery.

Cynthia, are you pulling our leg? I can't imagine you hatching THAT many, and more importantly, I can't see you just tossing them in a crate like that. However, google consulting hasn't found that picture...

Sundance, how is your showgirl's leg doing?
Sphinx, you googled..that's great..I thought for sure you all would know I was joking...oh wouldn't that be fun though..own 10 acres, and just put some chickens out on their own, and have some breeding pens for some that would be fun for our own liking?
And yes, I wouldn't have them in a crate like that..and yes Lisa is right..hatch rate really wouldn't matter!

Lisa, you had better hurry and buy those Ameraucana eggs for sell..or I will..I've been looking and looking at those beauties. Ha, now there's a threat that she will say....go Cynthia..

Have to say Red, you had me literally LOL when I read you post about those eggs!

Sphinx, it was on this page, I was looking at large eggs, to compare with the size I got from my NH yesterday..guess who didn't lay today? https://www.google.com/search?q=lar...cCKuwigK3y4GwCA&ved=0CFYQsAQ&biw=1006&bih=533
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Wgidir, Sorry that your white silkie turned out to be a roo. I second Lisa- KSL is great for placing roosters.

Blujems, I am so sorry about your poor goat. I would take her to the vet now, just to get her checked out, and make sure the neighbors pay the bill. I hope she makes a fast and full recovery.

Cynthia, are you pulling our leg? I can't imagine you hatching THAT many, and more importantly, I can't see you just tossing them in a crate like that. However, google consulting hasn't found that picture...

Sundance, how is your showgirl's leg doing?

She is limping heavily but is using it a bit today

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