
) I use this for free emoticons so there no download.

If I can still handle my chicken math I can probably take 2 of them, but I have to try to pick pullets...do you have more pictures?
They are still up for grabs if any want them.
Lisa, I think I have four laying. The blrw was hatched 2/6, but I don't think she's done anything yet. I have a total of 18 chickens, and all but one were hatched January or later. Of those 18, 15 are pullets. So, someday soon, I shall be buried in eggs.
Hattie, have a blast on your trip!
Chickenhill--glad to see you came over here
I am currently NOT hatching despite the taunting, lol I think I am the only one.
Sphinx, I love those eyes on your OEE, reminds me of australorp eyes only bigger. Pretty girl. How many you have laying currently? Seems like you have quite a few coming up, you were hatching quite a few back a few months...
Cynthia LOVE the huge blue egg. Of course! Beautiful thing that is!
Eh-hem! I'm not hatching either. Being in cahoots with Auntie Hattie and hatching by proxy doesn't count! This is the true spirit of chicken math.

its a double yolker. and fyi, im new to byc!
Welcome to BYC, Jedage! My Ameraucana hen laid her first egg a couple weeks ago, and it was a double yolker-without the shell. Too cool.


I love the folks on here! I took your advice about KSL and I think I have placed my roo! Someone's white silkie hen is lonely and wants a playmate in Herriman. So, here is the last picture of him before we have to take him to her. He will be so happy and will never know how close he was to freezer camp!

wgidir: Hooray for KSL!!

Sphinx: Hooray for lots of new eggs coming anyday! Really, anyday, what is up with that ole blrw?

Sasha: Hooray for someone else resisting the urge to get the bator out of that LOCKED closet! hooray! (we will try not to penalize ya for that cahoots with Jill thing you two have going on...)

Blujems: Hooray for peeing on coops!

Birdman: Hooray for Beer!

Jedage: Hooray for new byc members! ( you will be hooked within the hour)

If anyone read this who was not familiar with our little family, they would have me commited. On the spot.
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Oh I almost forgot! One last hooray---to me for grandbabies! Two daughters due at Christmas, found out today both are girls! Hooray!

A pic of the one born in May, had to share, she is a doll!

Sweet little family :)
Thanks for all of the support. Now I just have to keep my son convinced it is a roo. He read somewhere about hens "crowing" and now he wants to be convinced that he may be a she!
at all the funny new smileys'..this is fun.

Let's see, very happy for all the new laying hens.

And wg sold the rooster!

And Lisa has a very pretty family, and she is going to catch up to me before she knows it with grandchildren!

What do I feed my chickens is a question I expected once I posted that blue egg! I feed them Leland Mills laying mash. And of course, they are getting a lot of fruit.

Oh, and I love all of you this much...

Lisa, I also downloaded that one that ends up in smoke..too funny.
I should go crack that egg open, it's bugging me. I wasn't hungry at the time I got it from the nest box. We will see here in a min.

yep, cookin em up :)
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