vent picking


9 Years
Oct 4, 2013
I saw one of my chickens picking at the vent of another... then when she turned around and shoo'ed her away with a peck, she went over to another chicken and pecked or pulled at her vent. I checked both of them and do not see any signs of critters. What is the cause of this?
Maybe the vent is a little red and that one chicken is more sensitive than the others? It could also be that your chicken learned a new trick on how to really annoy the others! I don't think it's anything serious, but just keep a keen eye on them just in case!

Best of luck!
Is she she pulling out the feathers and eat 'em? This is a common issue with confined chickens. There are different things that cause her to do that. I do have feather pickers and i have done everyting i could to stop the bad habbit.
its not red, in fact they are so fluffy you can't even see it... so you think she is just being a "little sister"? She is the runt.
You need to watch that chickens. My BO used to have a fluffy but it's almost bald now because of my feather picker hen. She pulls out feather from her"sister's" butt.

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