
I did see speckled eggs and could make out a dome on the 3 pics. Is the dome glass ?? I was just wondering, because that may cause the glair ?!
I'll check back later. You take your time and I'm sure you'll get it...I'm routing for you.
There are a total of 10 chicks. They are now all in the new brooder I made. Still a clear plastic bin but a bigger one with at 1/4 inch hardware screen top. They can get on top of the EcoGlow now so I don't want them hopping out of the brooder! I also gave them a dish of sand to bathe in.

One of the chicks had managed to get itself stuck upside down under a bunch of it's hatch mates between the EcoGlow and the wall of the bin. It had trouble walking around after that and managed to half drench itself in the waterer so I cleaned the incubator and warmed it up to act as a sick room. It seemed like the other birds might have been picking on it a bit. The dang thing then managed to topple the electrolyte solution I'd put in there on itself so its other side was now drenched.
I'm hoping the sand bath will help it look less drowned as those feathers never fluffed back up again.
Oh the poor little one.. I shore hope so ! Just having a rough beginning...It can only make it stronger..
Its going to be some what like that for me when I get my mail order Wyandotte's this spring............Thank you for sharing this wonderful time..I will certainly keep watching the progress..
I'm in the NEK could anyone recommend a good place to get heritage breed eggs in the spring?

Not to sure about I'll be a first timer my self , but there are some hatcheries that do mail orders , If you don't find anything near by...I'll be getting my day old Wyandotte's from Cackle Hatchery this spring.

Hope you find what your looking for..

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