
Good idea. If I build another coop I was going to try a woods coop. I think mine roost a little too close to the door to not get affected by drafts.
6x8, with a run behind it that is 12x7. A lot of things about it work, except that it has big doors on the front that are south facing, but let in drafts in where they sleep. When we were building it I didn't fully understand ventilation properly, and I let my brother in law do what he thought was right, but it wasn't. 😅 I am going to try to tweak it when I get a chance.
I'm working on naming mine as I start to be able to tell them apart, the bands I got were too large and I wasn't able to find any smaller locally and didn't want to order more because I knew by the time they got here the little stinkers would probably have outgrown them.
The first time we got orpingtons we ended up with 5 of them at the same time. My daughters just named them after every state they could think of that still sounded like a pretty name. I never could tell them apart, but would just yell Dakota, Virginia or Carolina at them if they were being naughty. 😅
Our coldest this year was -22°F

Whole life.
The proper answer from a real Vermonter ends "so far" ;)

I moved here in '79 from So. Cal but I do have dead people in Putney, late 1700's early 1800's. Wife's father's side goes back many generations, we've been to his grandfather's grave in East Middlebury. His father was born in 1861, he in 1925, wife in 1962. How many people have a grandfather that was born 101 years before them? Of course we could go to her sister who is 5 years younger, thus grandfather 106 years before.

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