
One of the pullets I got from Keara laid her 1st egg today! She is by far one of my favorites out of my 14.


The pullet egg next to one from my PR hen.

Thanks again Keara, these are lovely birds!
they turned out nice..... good egg too. I put the two roos from this same batch in the freezer.... they were a good size! they look like happy hens, glad you gave them a good home!
Thanks! I was almost hoping for a roo in this batch to put in our freezer. But I'm very happy with these five as hens, and two are going to be real pretty. I've already got at least one person interested in buying dark eggs, so I'm excited that one is already starting to lay. The really mossy one is about to start laying as well I think, which is good since one of my older hens has gone broody on me and quit laying.
Hi, I just recently acquired my first four hens this spring! I live in Bristol, VT. Since then, I have gotten two youngsters and one juvenile rooster. They free range around my house and hang out with my two horses. However, my hens have decided that it is more fun to explore than to lay eggs.... It has been a month or so since we have had eggs! We have looked everywhere, but it seems that either they are very good at hiding the eggs, or just do not want to lay. So, I am on the search for another two young hens that I could add to my flock to try to at least get a few eggs per week. I'm not sure if I am posting this in the right place, but I just wanted to see if there is anyone around me that could give me some advice, or knows of where I could get some more young hens. Thanks so much!

I am also in bristol vermont and could probably find a young hen or two to toss your way. I am breeding Marans but have a few young mutt hens I would like to get rid of.

I am sure your birds are laying eggs but, either they are really good at hiding or, the the eggs are being eaten. I have had good luck using wooden eggs to encurage the hens to keep laying in the boxes. Also if you have a rooster don't be surprised if you are missing a hen one of these days... as she may very well be hiding those eggs so she can go sit on them in privacy.

Hi Keara -

I may be interested in a couple of Maran chocolate egg layers in the near future. It also looks like I have two roos - an EE and a Golden Campine. They are about 7 weeks, and already getting pretty bossy. I think they're headed for the stew pot. Do you butcher your own? I'd like to be able to do mine, but it's been years since I butchered a turkey.


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