Very Aggressive Hen


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson County, East TN
I have a 7 month old RIR hen that is ruthless. Everytime my wife, daughter, or I walk near her, she chases and pecks your feet, legs and jumps up and trys to flog us. What in the world is her problem? She does not seem to be the Boss hen to the others and even gets attacked by other hens when she trys to attack us. We do not have a rooster. Could she be attempting to be a rooster? Any ideas?
She may very well be your " alpha rooster " she is acting just like a roo I had here that would jump on my legs everything I went into the yad for any reason - even started attcking my hubby and our baby chicks - I had no choice to rehome I was tired of getting all torn up.

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