Very light blue eggs


9 Years
May 5, 2010
St. Louis
My easter egger, Blue, started laying yesterday. Hurray.
The eggs are very light blue, really white with blue tint.

Will they get darker as she gets older?

I really wanted the blue eggs.

I have one more EE not laying, will have to see what she lays.

comments appreciated.
ryanhodapp Wrote:

My easter egger, Blue, started laying yesterday. Hurray.
The eggs are very light blue, really white with blue tint.​

I love to have an Easter Egger that layed that color of an egg. Sounds really pretty.​
I am just a little disappointed. We went to this chicken display at a local nursery in March and the guy had Ameracuans (dont get hung up on the spelling.) Anyway, he said he got them from Cackle out of MO. His were all solid colors. I went to order and all they advertised was EE's. So being new to the whole thing, I bought them.

Needless to say, none of mine are solid and I have been waiting anxiously for the egg and the color.

They are beautiful birds and I love the muff.
Cackle is where I got mine, they are about 8 months old and not all are laying yet? They were orginally advertising them as ameraucana, but with all the stink the folks here on BYC and breeders of Ameraucana's they have changed them to Easter Egger chicken.
I think Cackle does put in Ameraucana rooster in with their EE hens, so this is probably where the blue looking egg comes from. Ameraucana standards call for a blue egg, not green as most of the EE's are laying. Anyway congrats on your pretty egg. Maybe one or two of mine will lay that color.
My EE's were born April 25. I started with the "city special" of 5, but 3 did not make it to maturity. So Blue started laying this week and Henna has not started yet. HOpefully soon.

8 months is a long time.

What part of Arkansas do you live? I do business with a company in Hot Springs. They told me last weekend was a state holiday--hunting.
Loved that.
I have 5 EEs that hatched May 19, 2010. I am still waiting on my first egg. I have not provided any extra light. Can I expect eggs soon, or will it probably be next spring before they start laying?

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