Very sick chicken

My deep sympathy for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose one that you fought so hard to save. (((hugs)))

She had love and caring and happiness in her life, as short as it was, and I am sure she appreciated it.
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Our hen is sick. She sat for days on the nest and when we boosted her off she walks slowly around putting out rhythmic single clucks. The last couple of days, she just laid around and can't even pick up her head. What's wrong with her?
Omg she sounds like she is egg bound. Gotta get the egg out or she will die. ASAP! I had 2 that did this last week
Use a rubber glove water base lubricant and a syringe with NO. needle. Squirt a full syringe of lube into her cloacal opening. Soakher in a warm bath for about 30 minutes. Give her a minute or two and you may have to use your finger to help it out. If she is clucking kinda like a dog barking you are running out of time. Use your finger with a glove on and lubricated and feel inside for the egg. Hopefully this will help it to pass out.
My last Hen I had to use my finger to separate the bad egg from the walls, because it had adhered itself to the walls, pull it and literally roll her inside out a bit to grasp it and pull it out. She is doing great now. It didn't even have a hard shell on It either.
What would we have ever done without BYC? Thanks for all the great responses. Luckily, little hen appears to have been broody. We isolated her in an old dog crate with a wire bottom. Within three days, she was herself again, running and squawking with her old pals in the Chicken Kingdom.
Had I noticed your post about this, there would have been a LOT of questions I would've asked. The clucking is a very common symptom of broodiness, as they seem to talk to the eggs the entire time they sit on them. *giggles* It's entertaining to watch, actually! Broodies will basically park on those eggs as if their lives depend on it, and some will even need coaxed to take time out to eat and poo! I had a broody literally starve herself to death the first year I got back in to chickens, so I ALWAYS check on my broodies now!
So glad everything turned out good.
An update on Milkshake the hen with the eggbound problem..... She had the same thing 3 more times back to back and I helped her through it as before but the last time she passed away before I could try to help her. She was so sweet. I think she was a lot older than I was told. Miss her a lot.

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