Very worried!!! Chicks breathing fast and making a clicking noise...

I don't think so. Their chest feathers are puffed up and not eating like normal. Also, sleeping standing up.
anybody have any idea? I just literally noticed I have a 4/5 day old chick doing this. Breathing fast like her whole body is moving and has a clicking noise while breathing....Have you noticed if your has a weird sounding chirp?

Actually, yes, the one that seems to be the most puffed up and has the least appetite is making a different chirping sound.

I got these chicks at TSC on 3/26 and I did noticethat they all 3 had poop stuck on them. Their vents weren't blocked though. I started them on Duramycin 10 lastnight and have seperated them from my 7 other chicks but I'm really worried at this point.
Well my chick in question died last night
I separated her from the rest of the flock. I hope whatever it was that it stays with her and nobody else gets it
Well my chick in question died last night
I separated her from the rest of the flock. I hope whatever it was that it stays with her and nobody else gets it

I'm so sorry to hear that
I know how upsetting it is. We got our first chickens last April. We started with 8 and now we have 4 ( 1 Barred Rock, 1 New Hampshire and 2 Blue Silkies).

Now we have these 3 Leghorn chicks ( 2 which I think are sick), 3 Araucanas, 3 Red Sex links and 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the others don't end up sick!

Signs in sick chickens

The sinuses of the chicken (the area between the eye and the beak) are swollen. These may be swollen in such a way that the eyes are closed.
Tears and wetness often occur around the eyes and nostrils. The discharge from the nostrils may look like clear water in the early stages but can become cloudy and yellow when secondary bacterial infections cause complications.
Difficulty in breathing. They breathe with an open beak and you can hear a snoring or clicking sound
Loss of appetite
Weight loss

Signs in dead chickens

A very red windpipe and throat
Fluid in the windpipe


There are many different types of organisms that can cause disease in the upper respiratory tract. These include:

Bacteria (E. coli, Pasteurella, Haemophilus)
Viruses (Newcastle disease, influenza, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis)
Parasites (mites and worms)
Fungi (Aspergillus)


Use an antibiotic drug that was recommended by your animal health technician or veterinarian in the water for 3 to 5 days
Stress preparations that contain electrolytes, vitamins and minerals can be added to the water

Useful site:

Signs in sick chickens

The sinuses of the chicken (the area between the eye and the beak) are swollen. These may be swollen in such a way that the eyes are closed.
Tears and wetness often occur around the eyes and nostrils. The discharge from the nostrils may look like clear water in the early stages but can become cloudy and yellow when secondary bacterial infections cause complications.
Difficulty in breathing. They breathe with an open beak and you can hear a snoring or clicking sound
Loss of appetite
Weight loss

Signs in dead chickens

A very red windpipe and throat
Fluid in the windpipe


There are many different types of organisms that can cause disease in the upper respiratory tract. These include:

Bacteria (E. coli, Pasteurella, Haemophilus)
Viruses (Newcastle disease, influenza, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis)
Parasites (mites and worms)
Fungi (Aspergillus)


Use an antibiotic drug that was recommended by your animal health technician or veterinarian in the water for 3 to 5 days
Stress preparations that contain electrolytes, vitamins and minerals can be added to the water

Useful site:

Thank you for this info. I started them on Duramycin 10 last night and they have Sav-A-Chick electrolytes in their water.

Is it okay to have the electroltes and Duramycin in the same water?
Whatever happened to your chick? I have a week old chick that is acting perfectly fine except has a clicking sound.
I seperated one of my chicks because she was sick. Now I have another who is sick.can I put them in separate brooder boxes next to one another but not in the same box? I don't want the one I just revived to get sick with whatever this one has
So I have a chick that is about 2weeks old and just started this last weekend looks like she is gasping for air, I will see her randomly drink and isnt eating much... She sleeps with all the other chicks and this morning was the first time from saturday I saw her laying with the others. She is making me extremely nervous and I dont want her to die or spread whatever she has to the others.... Mainly the big thing is that she is gasping like a full body breath. HELP!

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