Very worried!!! Chicks breathing fast and making a clicking noise...

For me, the little chick ended up getting better. I doubted disease b/c all the eggs came from my own flock. (I'd have more than one ill.) The labored breathing calmed a bit when I held it, but returned as soon as I put it back. I tried dipping the beak in water & massaging the crop. (no change) I thought it would die, but it was alive & in the same condition by the morning. I made some electrolyte mix & gave some via eye dropper. The rest went into the brooder's water. A few hours later I noticed the chick breathing normally. So far, the symptoms have not returned. Tomorrow's the one week birthday, so perhaps it was just underdeveloped.
My chick died last night. It's legs also were spraddled and couldnt walk and everytime he tried he would flip on his back. I tried to feed him, at first he was fine but the night was a struggle. I thought maybe he was hot so i read somewhere to dip them in cool water and give him electrolytes, but he was so weak and i didnt know what else i could do... i just had to watch it struggle to breathe until it died at 2am...I don't know what it was...maybe it was just an unhealthy chick, as it was abandoned and kicked by its mother...i wish i could of been able to do more for him...i named him chicken little...i just hope he died knowing he was loved and not abandoned by his mother...
My3 Leghorn chicks are breathing fast and making a clicking sound. Could it be a respiratory infection? If so, what should I do? I also have 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 3 Red Sex Links and 3 Araucaunas in with her. One of the Leghorns is eating and drinking like normal, the other two are consuming less. Has anyone else ever experienced this with young chicks?

They have puffed up chest feathers and are sleeping while standing up????

I'm having exactly the same problem with a little bobwhite quail. Help please? Should I try and get some antibiotics for the water?
I'm having exactly the same problem with a little bobwhite quail. Help please? Should I try and get some antibiotics for the water?
I am not very experienced, but didn't want your post to go unanswered either.

In my case, I pulled the chick & put some electrolytes in its water. (They sell packets called "Sav-A-Chick" or you can make your own using a recipe from BYC.) I thought it would die, but it was normal within 8 hrs. Now I keep a packet on hand in my chicken 1st aid kit. I believe the chick (in my case) was just a little immature, so the lungs may not have been fully developed. The 1st 24 hrs of its life were rough, but min TLC & it was fine.

By separating the weaker ones, you'll give them a chance to recover without getting pecked on. If it's a disease or infection, you'll hopefully prevent the spread if caught in time. Definitely keep chicks far away from your current hens. Wash hands & even change clothes when caring for one then the other. People can spread illness w/o knowing it.
I'd put some raw ACV (apple cider vinegar) in the water. I'd bet it's a respiratory thing but either way ACV is a great immune booster to strengthen and heal the chicks. If you have nutridrench I'd put some of that in the water too.
I have a chick still in the egg that has started making a clicking sound, but it hasn't even zipped yet. The beak is out of the shell but it has only started in the last hour or so doing it. I know this information is no help to you but dd you find an answer in the end?
Sadly yes I think. It's the sound of fluid in the lungs, so a respiratory tract infection. Antibiotics is about all you have :( Good luck.

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