Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

I have used this stuff before and it does work on the bumble if you get it early enough. I have had some BAD issues with bumblefoot from pine tree needles and was desperate to find something without cutting all my girls feet open. It works on about 70% of the girls now. Great stuff.

I am wondering if you have tried the surgery on any cases where TricideNeo did not work. If you did, can you tell us if you invariably find a hardened kernel in those cases? Are you able to predict by looking at the foot whether TricideNeo will work?
the ones that i treated with tri cide neo that went away were so small. Like the kind if you pick the scab off, nothing is really there but a tiny hole. no plug or anything really.

yes, I have done the surgery many times with a great success rate. Just from experience i can tell which one is to do which. Hey, try the tri cide neo and if it doesnt work then do the surgery. what else do you have to lose? I have also soaked off the scab and not found a plug because it was small like that. I squeezed neosporin into the little hole and gauzed and wrapped it and they have healed fine too.
One of my girls has bumblefoot that went from unnoticeable to serious in short order. I am physically not able to do the surgery myself and DH has zero patience. I ordered the Tricide Neo and have begun soaking each day - yesterday was the third day. How long before I should see results? Yes, I realize three days isn't very long. Just wondering if I should go ahead and get another order of the Tricide powder. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
One of my girls has bumblefoot that went from unnoticeable to serious in short order. I am physically not able to do the surgery myself and DH has zero patience. I ordered the Tricide Neo and have begun soaking each day - yesterday was the third day. How long before I should see results? Yes, I realize three days isn't very long. Just wondering if I should go ahead and get another order of the Tricide powder. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Anything? Anyone?
I didn't find it helpful when I tried but it may be because it was pretty bad. There have been some responses here that suggest it helps more if found early. I finally had to have a vet do mine...I can't see well enough up close and felt like I was hacking it up.
I didn't find it helpful when I tried but it may be because it was pretty bad. There have been some responses here that suggest it helps more if found early. I finally had to have a vet do mine...I can't see well enough up close and felt like I was hacking it up.
Would it be possible for you to give a Penicillin injection? Those aren't very easy to give but they are very helpful in battling the infection, & are more effective than oral Penicillin in treating Bumblefoot.
phenomenal thread. of course, i just did my first ever bumblefoot surgery today!!!
i wonder if you can apply tricide neo to an open incision?
i think i gotta get some of that. if only i had seen this thread a few days ago. the thought of months of treatment is not pleasant. this ducks bumble was about the size of a dime. got a nice plug to pop out though. hopefully got it all. but i know i'll have to deal with this again, so i thinkg i'll have to get some tricide.

fantastic and hopefilled thread, this!

eta that it also seems insane to have to put a bird down just because it got something as common as bumblefoot!
JMC, how did it go using the tricide neo? I just did surgery on our rooster and am wondering if I can do tricide neo now too as I am not sure we got all the infection out.

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