Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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Another interesting point is what happened on Sunday. DH was out target practicing with a pistol. The dog owners were driving slowing by our house, more than once. I thought they were looking to see who was shooting. Later, another neighbor told me that they heard them out hollering for their dogs!!! The dogs must have gotten loose again, and I'll bet they thought DH was shooting them! If the dogs had come on the property, he probably would have. I was cleaning the coop so the door was open and the birds could come and go. Actually, the chickens spent most of the time "helping" me so they were just a few feet from me. I can't believe those dogs were out again! You can't cure stupid!
What idiots....hope they are lurking around. I hope they are lurking enough to figure out that they need to leave you, and your animals alone. It's not rocket science...

Oh, wait, I forgot they won't figure that one out...they are idiots. Watch 'em....and keep watching them, something tells me you still haven't taught them one thing. In the meanwhile- congratulations for not sitting back and letting the idiots of the world
I'll stop before I get in trouble.
Congratulations on your win. And what perfect timing to have hubby out target practising. I bet they'll be much more careful with those dogs getting loose now. I hope you can recover the funds.
I didn't read the other post all the way through (too many pages) but was wondering if the eggs you had taken from the fridgerator had hatched for you?
They borrowed your friends horse????? stole your cat? (you've got my neighbors brother living next to you!) and thought that would help their case!!!!!!! Bet the judge is laughing tonight! Congratulations Jody for hanging in there and winning!

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