Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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CONGRATS Jody!!!!!!!! I'm sorry for your loss, but I am so happy at how this turned out. YOU give almost everyone here the knowledge that they don't have to watch their chickens be helplessly killed. Thankyou for the story, and for letting me know the result.
Criminals are usually low IQ. But I don't think they've learned anything, or very little. I know it's not over for you cause you now have to collect, but, good luck and congrats again!!!!!
Wow too bad she wouldn't of talked herself into a jail term with all that admitting of theft. Hope this helps you in your other court date.

I left ya a message on the 9 patch swap thread.

Congrats again. All I can say is WOW can't believe that people like that are allowed on the street.
I'm glad you won the case! But you might want to put some kind of locating divise on your cat.
I'm thinking about getting him a concealed carry permit and a 9mm. That way he can defend himself from abduction attempts.
Glad you won. Still can't believe they admitted to stealing your cat and such, I laughed so hard. Wow..scary thing is people like this are everywhere. I wish all of them could be shipped of to an island so they could deal with each others ignorance, and leave us normal folks alone.
Wow, I can't believe we pay these judges so much. We should deduct for entertainment value. That judge will be laughing about this for years and I'll bet there are lots more stories like this one since idiots aren't that rare.
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