Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than it is to open it and remove all doubt.

What a nutcase, admitting to stealing your cat is bad enough, but your horse
. Years ago you would have been hung for that.
Well done Jody.
Jody, I'm glad it went so well and thank you for the update. You worked really hard to prepare and present your case. I think you did an impressive job.

I am just speechless, thinking about all the things your neighbor said in court. All I can do is shake my head. I'm going to have to make sure my husband isn't drinking anything when I tell him this update, because that testimony deserves a spew alert! Who tells a judge they stole a horse and thinks it will help their case???
Hehe, yeah, and to think the trauma of being sued is so much worse to rushing home after a frantic call from your child, having to deal with dead pets, blood, feathers and a rush trip to the veterinarian, as well as long term care for the injured and fear that something else, possibly worse could happen, if not to you and your pets, then to another neighbor or their children if the idiots are the least bit careless!! Gee... what a revelation!

This whole thing is interesting on so many levels.

A) We're all proud of you (and empathize with you for your loss).
B) We all know such things can happen to any of us at any time.
C) It's amazing to see how insane people can be.
D) We're just NOSY!! hehe. well, ok, curious, interested, caring... is that better?
Thanks everybody. It's nice to know that the BYC Posse is behind me.

The Posse:

(sorry if I forgot anybody's picture)
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I just saw this thread Jody and am so glad that I have run across it.

I'm happy to hear that the court ruled in your favor! That is excellent and very good to know that there are still some courts out there that are just.

It does sound like your neighbor had a heyday in telling on herself! Some people really leave me scratching my head. Wouldn't it be great if the judge made them move?!?!

If that horse theft wasn't too long ago, you might want to talk your friend into pressing charges now. After all, you've got a sworn confession from the perp!

So glad you won, Jody, but...
Some of your neighbors are idiots. You knew this, of course. But. Wow.
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Congrats on your civil victory! I can't believe she stole your cat and admitted it in court! Were you able to question her about it?? That is crazy! And who steals their next door neighbor's horse?!? We have a neighbor who has permission to take one of our horses as an extra any time they need him, and they still call and ask everytime! And they are very close friends! That is just inexcusable!


It was years ago. They were not really trying to steal the horse. They just wanted to show it to their farrier that was there. They were just too clueless to comprehend that it wasn't OK to borrow it for just a bit without asking. She told the judge that I was really mean to her that day because I yelled at her. She actually thought the judge would side with her because I shouldn't have been mean to her that day years ago, and it was scarey because it's not nice to yell. I actually didn't even yell at her. I lectured a bit about not taking horses from my property and how dangerous it was leading an untrained horse behind a pickup on a road frequented by loud, fast moving, spooky dump trucks. If a large truck had passed that horse and spooked her there could have been a terrible accident.

The really sad thing is that these people are older and have already had kids and raised them. Now the gene pool has been further polluted. It's too bad that people like that aren't spayed/neutered before the stupid gene gets passed on.
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