Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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Congrats Jody.

I had to read it twice cause I thought "they did what?'. Why would they admit to such things in court? They just don't have a clue.
all the more reason to take them to court. People sometimes create their own reality and live in it until they get the rude awakening that they do actually have to obey the laws and refrain from stealing, vandalizing, assaulting and harassing other people. Honestly, I wish we could just bring back the whipping block. Crime is SO low in Singapore...
I couldn't agree more. It seems that these people cannot wrap their peanut sized brains around the concept that they cannot do whatever they want.
Jody congrats on your win. Make sure you get copies of your court case and take them with you as evidence for your upcoming case at the end of Feb. You never know it might help especially with dumbo admitting some of the things they have already done.
They will also have the testimony of your DDIL and maybe she won't have to testify again.

Thank you so much for going through all of this. As chicken owners we all know how difficult it must be for you, but it gives us all heart to know that our own chickens have rights should something happen to them.
Also why weren't the dogs destroyed? They are still running around and could do it again.
If possible get pictures or video of them still running around and take it to court with you to show the judge they are not contained and maybe that will be taken care of for you.
Good luck

The dogs are still around because the criminal court will be the one to declare them dangerous. I carry a camera with me at all times. If I personally see the dogs, they will be photographed. I have the camera set to show the date on the photos. If they come on our property, they will be shot. Other neighbors are sick of them too. Some of those neighbors are retired and home most of the time and will have no reservations about shooting the dogs. Too many neighborhood pets have been killed or injured by these nasty dogs. People are afraid to let their small dogs out to go potty without standing out there with them. It's ridiculous. I hope the criminal court resolves this.
I am glad you won.
Congrats. Dogs have no business being loose. That must have been awful for you.
Lol, my DBF is Chinese and he really thinks America could use a dose of a court and punishment system like what they have there. Pink jumpsuits in a few prisons over here vs. being canned with a bamboo pole that sometimes has needles embedded in it? Now that is aversion therapy ...
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Lol, my DBF is Chinese and he really thinks America could use a dose of a court and punishment system like what they have there. For such a huge population the crime rate is relatively low, because for a lot of crimes over here were you go into jail and then back out or waste away wasting tax dollars over there you get convicted and then get shot. And your family has to pay for the bullet. I think it's a little harsh but I do agree that what we have here doesn't work, that the speed of the process should be picked up, and that some crimes do deserve a death sentence that don't get them over here.

Yeah well, that's assuming everyone arrested is guilty. There's people being found innocent based on DNA evidence that wasn't available when they were originally convicted. I've heard the argument that they're probably bad actors who were guilty of other things... but, if it's you or your child or brother or whoever that gets arrested for something they didn't do, you might feel a little different.

Can we please not talk about shooting people here? I'm thrilled that HorseJody has won her civil suite, and hopefully confident she will do the same in the next court date, but this is going way off track. Just my opinion of course, sorry if I took it further off track.
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