Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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omg. i have neighobrs like this. they TRULY feel offended when they've done something wrong and it has repercussions. they truly don't get the idea of consequences. i really get you how they took the horse and the cat. lol. it's just too for real. hang in there. i am very lucky re small dogs. one of my chihuahuas will bite pits in the face. (i like pits, have one myself, just don't want others coming in my yard.) she is mean and scares the heck out of them. if she were doing it other chihuahuas or similar, i would stop her. but i figure its for the best and shows them to stay away off the property. you should see her give chase. she is old and disabled too, but mean as a son of a gun.
Lol, my DBF is Chinese and he really thinks America could use a dose of a court and punishment system like what they have there. For such a huge population the crime rate is relatively low, because for a lot of crimes over here were you go into jail and then back out or waste away wasting tax dollars over there you get convicted and then get shot. And your family has to pay for the bullet. I think it's a little harsh but I do agree that what we have here doesn't work, that the speed of the process should be picked up, and that some crimes do deserve a death sentence that don't get them over here.

Yeah well, that's assuming everyone arrested is guilty. There's people being found innocent based on DNA evidence that wasn't available when they were originally convicted. I've heard the argument that they're probably bad actors who were guilty of other things... but, if it's you or your child or brother or whoever that gets arrested for something they didn't do, you might feel a little different.

Can we please not talk about shooting people here? I'm thrilled that HorseJody has won her civil suite, and hopefully confident she will do the same in the next court date, but this is going way off track. Just my opinion of course, sorry if I took it further off track.

I agree also, Jody's other topic was locked because of the negative direction it was heading. I want to be able to continue to read her experience and progress so we can learn from it. Keep the wheel squeaking Jody!
What's the saying? "Give them enough rope . . . " Good for you. Can you sue them for stealing your cat? Or your friend's horse? Who "borrows" a horse anyway?

I shouldn't be surprised. We ran one neighbor who was farming our property off only to have another neighbor start farming it the next year. I just turned to my husband and asked if we had moved into a particularly stupid neighborhood.
Henry'schickens :

Yeah well, that's assuming everyone arrested is guilty. There's people being found innocent based on DNA evidence that wasn't available when they were originally convicted. I've heard the argument that they're probably bad actors who were guilty of other things... but, if it's you or your child or brother or whoever that gets arrested for something they didn't do, you might feel a little different.

Can we please not talk about shooting people here? I'm thrilled that HorseJody has won her civil suite, and hopefully confident she will do the same in the next court date, but this is going way off track. Just my opinion of course, sorry if I took it further off track.

I agree also, Jody's other topic was locked because of the negative direction it was heading. I want to be able to continue to read her experience and progress so we can learn from it. Keep the wheel squeaking Jody!​

Yes, I agree, I really wasn't thinking when I wrote that, which is why I quickly went back a minute or two after I wrote that and edited my post completely. I didn't want to start a fight or get this thread locked like the other one. I'll stay quite now, just waiting to hear more about your case Jody and the outcome. Sorry about that!
God is sooooo good! Praise the Lord!
HaHa!!! Great news. There was a for sale sign in front of the stupid neighbor's house!!!!!!! I guess they just can't stand to live near people that insist they be responsible dog owners.
I just found this thread and none too soon.

We have (had) 4 free ranging hens and just two hours ago I walked outside to find a lab running loose on my property (15acres) and a dead hen at his feet. Mary Kate was still warm the other three hens were nowhere to be seen. I figured out where the dog came from and marched over with my 13yr old son to confront the owner. When I told him that his dog was killing our PET chickens he said "How do you know? Do you have dogs, it could have been them." Are you kidding me? My dogs have been raised with these hens without the slightest problem. In addition, I SAW the dog standing over a WARM, dead hen 20 yards outside of my dog containment fence. He never apologized though the man with him was noticeable embarrassed, offered to pay me back and did appologize. All I could say was "The cost of the chickens was minimal, but these are my childrens PETS. There is no replacement value!" And I walked away in tears to go bury my poor Mary Kate. I actually wrote a letter to the nicer man and am going to mail it just to make me feel better. I point out to him that an appology and willingness to take responsibility would have gone a long way. Needless to say my boys and I had a nice long discussion about accepting responsibility.

I did find the other three hens. One has lots of missing feathers and appears to be in shock. The other two are shaken but look okay at this point.

Thanks for letting me vent! I think I feel better now..
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