Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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Believe me, I'm dancin' with ya!!!!
Shannon, I'm sorry about your hen. I know it is so heartbreaking. If the neighbor won't control his dog, call the Sheriff, or whatever law enforcement you have in your area. The guy doesn't care, and the dog will be back.
Yes, I have thought about that, but I won't back down. The only way to keep our neighborhoods safe is to stand up to the bad apples.
Jody, thanks for the stories and PROUD of you standing your ground on the losses and getting your neighbors to go BYE BYE!
Thanks. It is frustrating and I can't tell you how nice it is to learn and get like minded support on this forum. This is really a great example of why my DH and I feel so strongly about teaching our boys to be responsible. There are too many people out there that are not.
This is great news! Not only have you won one case against these, but now you won't have to live by them and their inability to be responsible dog owners! You just know that even if their dogs get put down in the criminal proceedings (which we all know you should win), they will probably go right back out and buy new ones!

So sorry to hear about your loss Shannon, take a few tips from Jody's experience and document everything and be a squeaky wheel!
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