Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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I see a lot of that. Some folks are raised to have such a high self esteem and sense of entitlement that they truly believe they can stick a knife in your back and then feel hurt and offended when you object.

I've got a family member who's like that. Of course he was raised to be this way and actively shielded from the consequences of his actions until his late teens, by which point he concluded that consequences simply didn't exist. In the world he inhabited up to that point, they didn't. They weren't part of his universe. His parents, in fact, are still trying their level best to keep that dynamic going.

Thing is, they get away with it for a long time when they're children and teens, when the stakes are low. Then they try it out in the real world and get surprised when the law (or their boss, or the IRS, or whoever) comes down on them like a ton of bricks. It's got to be a shock and I bet it hurts, but the sad part is that whatever they suffer is nothing compared to the suffering they've dished out before it catches up to them.

Case in point: these clown neighbors of Horsejody's. They were truly upset about all the "trauma" they endured by being forced to account for what they did to another family. Is it possible to get any more self-absorbed than this?

On the plus side, if their house sells and they own it, maybe the law might allow Horsejody to put a lien on it if they don't pay.
Excellent! it is always a great help when the other side brings the rope and puts their neck into the noose....I cannot believe they told the judge they stole your cat and in essence a horse from you.

Good grief the stupidity. Victory at last...well done.
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First off, congrats horsejody! Sure glad you won this leg of t he civil trial. Hoping the criminal suit goes just as well in your favor.

Secondly, Sorry to hear of your loss Shannon. I know as well as those who have lost their Pets in one way or another are suffering as well. I know how you feel as I had the same thing happen a few years ago. Only difference was, it was my Dogs who did the killing and it was my sisters ducks they killed and ate. I felt so terrible. Now I am in the process of trying to find my dog a new home as he is way out of control. I keep my dogs in a fenced in yard so they cannot get to my chickens and duck.
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Glad to hear you won!!! in court anyhow. It is amazing how many people think they are entitled to stuff that is not theirs and are offended when they are held responsible.

We have one neighbor who put a gate in the backfence, adjacent to our property, so he could come into our farm and help himself to our produce. He got offended when we nailed the gate shut. He removed the nails and opened the gate again to help himself to our cantelopes. We then screwed the gate shut and added more boards. Now we keep catching his grandson climbing over the fence all the time, trampling our field greens that are food for us and our critters. The kid's mom goes "they are just weeds". She doesn't get that they are our weeds and they have no right to step on them.
We had other neighbors who would have no problem coming through the front gate and helping themselves. When our dog became aggressive and threatened to bite one of them, he got offended and threatened to report our dog.
We have locks on all our gates and have a bezillion signs all around our one acre stating: "Keep out" "no trespassing" "beware of dog" "guard dog on duty" "private property" "Attack chicken on duty". We also keep reinforcing the fence. Yet these people still keep climbing into our yard and get offended, when our dog or one of our roosters goes after them. NUTS!!
Oh, we do have some good neighbors too, thank goodness.
I have two words for you: Hot Wire.

I would find out everything you can about filing a lien against their house. I don't know how soon you can do it since you just won your case.

I would hate to see them sell their house and leave the area before they pay you. I wouldn't put it past them to try to run before the criminal case either.

ETA: I see you know about liens, so get one filed asap.
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We got in the habit of storing our tomato cages along the fence and other junk that deters folks from jumping off the fence into our yard. We have six foot fencing or higher around the whole field. And yet they keep coming.
Another two words...Citizens arrest. Two more,bear trap.
I cant believe you`ve let it go on this long. Our property is about the only thing we have left that belongs to us. I have a small yard and no access from the outside side of the fence. It has to be opened from the inside after replacing two dogs and two sets of tools.
Two no trespassing signs make me legal. Someone comes inside my fence I will kill them, bottom line.

Put their hardheads in the hoosegow.


I think the court is supposed to ensure they dont just walk away
by filing the appropriate paperwork as a judgement of the court.
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Oops, didn't mean to take away from Jody.
A lien sounds like a good idea. You just know those folks think they don't owe you and will feel justified in weedling out of it.
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