Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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I think you should get a transcript and sell copies!!
Wow!! This is excellent. As far as the 'borrowed' horse - used to hang people for that. Nimrods come in all shapes and sizes. You've been more than kind and fair.
If I get copies, I would pass them out for free. I have neighbors (all of the good ones) that would love copies. Most of them can't stop laughing over the stupid testimony of these people. If they manage to sell their house, we are all planning a big party after they are gone.
Heck -- throw the party while they're leaving, so they don't miss the fun!

Oh yes!
I’m picturing it now! Grills fired up, burgers and brats cooking, neighbors all gathered. Summery tablecloths on the tables, side dishes set out (potato salad with fresh eggs and yummy egg salad too of course!), bakery on another table (lots of cakes made rich with plenty of eggs too)… party decorations, coolers of soda and pitchers of lemonade. Yard games, a volley-ball net, a softball game going on nearby. Then everyone pauses and waves and cheers while the moving truck pulls out of the driveway.
Heck -- throw the party while they're leaving, so they don't miss the fun!

Oh yes!
I’m picturing it now! Grills fired up, burgers and brats cooking, neighbors all gathered. Summery tablecloths on the tables, side dishes set out (potato salad with fresh eggs and yummy egg salad too of course!), bakery on another table (lots of cakes made rich with plenty of eggs too)… party decorations, coolers of soda and pitchers of lemonade. Yard games, a volley-ball net, a softball game going on nearby. Then everyone pauses and waves and cheers while the moving truck pulls out of the driveway.

You forget the part about the bad neighbor wife getting out of the moving truck and stomping her feet and throwing a tantrum because she wasn't invited.

Are you going to update this thread or start another after the next court date?
Take pictures of them tresspassing and recored you asking them politly not to tresspass. Then put up "danger, high voltage" sings all over the fence and hot wire it. When they come screaming that you tried to kill them you can laugh in their face and say "you should learn to read". Ok, I guess I AM getting a little too caried away. But do get pictures of them tresspassing, and pictures of your sings and good fence in case they try something stupid when/if you decide to report them.
I will update on this same thread whatever happens in court, unless it gets closed due to a troll infestation like the last one.
Jody, I've been following your threads. Congrats! I don't know if it works this way, but it sure seems that winning this sets a precedent for the criminal trial - I mean, how could they be held responsible if their dogs didn't do it? It therefore follows that if they WERE held responsible, the dogs must have done it, right? I'm sure that's much too logical to hold up in court.

I also wanted to say that I have no idea why your original post was the target of so many opinions that I never thought I'd see on this forum, and you had a lot more patience with some of those commentors than I would have.

Hang in and keep us posted.
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