Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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Suing seems to be my only option, because they won't voluntarily comply, and the town is failing to compel them to (the town could have so easily solved this long ago if they had done their jobs and made the development comply with rules - unfortunately for me, the property owner was on town council with these folks for years and they won't touch him). I haven't yet sued, because lawyers have been quoting me $50,000-$100,000 minimum retainer.
I am in search of one who will take this very strong case on contingency. It has been an exhausting and long process, with countless hours spent bailing water. I am immensely elated that you have encountered some officials willing to honor the repsonsibilities that come with their jobs.
I think the closest thing I have to a gun is a water pistol somewhere! I may be wrong, but I don't think real guns are legal here (it is a residential area).

Darn it all, right? Turn your back for one second, and someone's AWOL dog can decimate the life of a defenseless being, all because some people are so reprehensibly irresponsible. The week after I got bit by the RR another neighbors 2 dogs were loose (they went off to work and the dogs were out running amok) - turned my back for one second to answer the phone and they came barreling into the yard and nearly killed hen Ellie, who was standing right at her run door. The next 4 weeks were spent in a vigil nursing her back to health from her near death experience. The dog's people seemed truly contrite and said they would make sure their dogs were never ever out again, but a few weeks later they were running loose again (luckily the birds were not out) and then I caught the dogs running down the street again recently. It's this kind of carelessness that has created such heartache for the OP. And whether nursing an injured bird back to health, going after the careless humans with legal action, or literally having to stand next to our birds when they are stretching their legs outside of a run, even though they are minding their own business in their own yard where the only threat should be from wildlife preds, time is stolen from us - huge amounts of time we don't get to spend on what we had hoped or needed to be doing with our time. Somehow that has to get into the consciousness of and resonate with those who 'own" predators. The OP's efforts are helping to raise that consciousness.

Suing seems to be my only option, because they won't voluntarily comply, and the town is failing to compel them to (the town could have so easily solved this long ago if they had done their jobs and made the development comply with rules - unfortunately for me, the property owner was on town council with these folks for years and they won't touch him). I haven't yet sued, because lawyers have been quoting me $50,000-$100,000 minimum retainer.
I am in search of one who will take this very strong case on contingency. It has been an exhausting and long process, with countless hours spent bailing water. I am immensely elated that you have encountered some officials willing to honor the repsonsibilities that come with their jobs.

File a law suit against every member on that board and the city and the neighbors and contact the law board and ask if they have anyone who would do this pro bono or what ever it is called this could make someones name as a lawyer. Try to get a new gung ho lawyer. If there is no pro bono get one that will take a conmission only if they win. Good luck

Hey Jody still here and behind you on this all the way.
Hi Jean
The contingency/pro bono lawyer search has thus far been futile but I am still trying
Don't want to sidetrack this important thread with further detail, but suffice to say the behavior of those who are causing the damages is nauseating at best - passive aggressive stuff, sickening quotes in the press, righteous about doing whatever they want to do and to he77 with anyone else but coming across very smooth publicly etc. - not unlike people who are irresponsible with their dogs and don't trouble themselves to reform even when death has resulted (certainly a far worse result than destruction of property). Sadly, as in the OP's case and in mine, court/lawsuit seems the only way to get anywhere....
Congratulations on your well deserved win. Your neighbors are CRAZY!

I'm glad my irresponsible dog-owning neighbors have been more reasonable. They "borrowed" your horse?? What on earth.....
Jeevus Crisp and his brothers Coco and Rice, FarmerDenise..WTH are they thinking?

I'm presuming Ellie is doing better, Judy.

I stand right outside with Obelisk...very Buddy is still running loose...he's already been nailed by a car once. Wasn't me though...even though he DID almost run into my car when he was out and chasing the kids...
Congratulations on your victory...That's one for the chicken!
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but let's reverse the have chickens wondering around a rural neighborhood...multiple rooster's crowing at all times of the day, coops that haven't been cleaned in years....owned by irresponsible pet owners....yes there are plenty of them out owners as well... We all need to be aware of what our pets are doing and where.
It's not the cat, dog or chicken's the people who own them...........It is just a shame that city and county govts. can't seem to be of any help....Again....Congrats....Have them show you the money!
HappyHatch'en :

Congratulations on your victory...That's one for the chicken!
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but let's reverse the have chickens wondering around a rural neighborhood...multiple rooster's crowing at all times of the day, coops that haven't been cleaned in years....owned by irresponsible pet owners....yes there are plenty of them out owners as well... We all need to be aware of what our pets are doing and where.
It's not the cat, dog or chicken's the people who own them...........It is just a shame that city and county govts. can't seem to be of any help....Again....Congrats....Have them show you the money!

I don't have chickens running around the neighborhood, and my neighbors are far enough away that they can't hear my roosters. My coop does not fall under the categary of "not cleaned in years." This thread is about my irresponsible neighbors and their dogs. Why would we "reverse the problem" to discuss something that is a non-issue in this case. I suppose if you know somebody that is an irresponsible chicken or cat owner, that should be its own thread.

By the way, I just got a cashier's check from the dog owners. I guess they figured I would use every legal means available to me to collect and decided they should take the easy route and pay.

Criminal court is this Friday. I will be there with bells on.​
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