Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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We didn't even have to testify. He changed his plea to "no contest." Then the judge said that there was enough evidence to find him guilty. When the prosecutor asked the judge to declare the dogs dangerous, the judge just asked if they were pitbulls. Since they weren't she declined to call them dangerous. That was disappointing. That was pretty stupid in my opinion. I am however contacting the County Attorney (he has been very vocal about stopping dangerous dogs), the county board and my state representative. If that doesn't work, there is still the media.

At least he has to pay a fine and now has a criminal record. When DS and I were leaving the courthouse the stupid neighbor tried making a scene in the lobby. The lobby was full of people, including Sheriff's deputies and members of the Omaha Police Dept. I can't be surprised by the stupidity of this man and his wife any more. He got up in my face and was pointing his finger at me saying, "You had better stay away from me!!" I told him that I had no desire to be anywhere near him and started to walk away. He got in my face again and said it again. Then he started saying, "Your dangerous! Your dangerous!" I just said, "You're the one that just got convicted." He tried again to get in my face and get DS and I riled. We knew better. I just walked over to one of the police officers and said that I came to testify against that man (and pointed to him) and that he was acting in a threatening manner and not allowing to leave the couthouse peacefully. Stupid neighbor was then looking all timid and trying to look away like nothing happened. DS and I then left peacefully while the nice Omaha Police Officer stood there looking at the stupid neighbor with a "I dare you to say something again look" on his face. I despise my neighbor, but I love the local law enforcement. I think stupid Neighbor was trying to provoke a fight. He probably thought my very large and recently out of the Marines son would punch him for acting that way to me. DS is a very calm person though and knew better. I can't believe this jerk called me dangerous. DUH!! He and his dogs are the dangerous ones. All I did was press charges. I guess I was dangerous to his wallet because I made him pay.

Officer Kelly is the deputy that answered the call back in October. He was there to testify too and seemed pleased when I told him that he is now a famous hero in the backyard chicken world. I read so many stories here about law enforcement not giving a darn. He went above and beyond. Anyway, I just sent an e-mail to the Sheriff's Dept complimenting them on their professionalism and care. I know that they never get enough thanks from the public.

If any of you following this story would like to pass nice comments on to the Douglas County Sheriff's Dept about their work and Officer Kelly their website is and comments can be left there. They would probably enjoy 22000 pats on the back.

Now wish me luck on my quest to get the dogs decared dangerous. The squeaky wheel is still squeaking along.

edited because I forgot to proofread
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It bears repeating that you have paid such a tribute to those innocent lost lives. CONGRATULATIONS.
That "neighbor" - they need a new word that means idiot to the 1000th degree.
And just because they're not pit bulls - how incredibly uninformed.
Great job!
Whoo hoo!!!!!

And definitiely major kudos to your police dept.

Ours is totally useless. They don't care about killed chickens or people stealing our produce or neighbors tearing down the fence and letting our dog and chickens out, or two big contractor guys getting in my face threatening me (and I have it on video, the fools didn't know that I wasn't just holding a camera, but was video taping them), I was home at lunch in my business clothes and high heels, when I caught them taking down the fence. Our police just said something to the effect of: "make nice".
That guy can't help but make an a$$ of himself, can he?

I wonder if you can appeal the judge's decision on the dogs. She did not make an informed decision. Did she hear any testimony about how they have the neighborhood living in fear?
I hope you can heal from all this! No contest; I still think insanity would have been a better defense! Hee Hee!
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OHHHH horsejody, honey you are DANGEROUS!!! TO HIM!!!! He barked up the wrong tree this time. He is so right you are dangerous now go get those dogs banned!

Sick em Jody!!!

Bravo bravo squeeky wheel. Keep rolling!
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