Victory in court today-update -guilty verdict

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Just send a thank you note to your police department, way to go!

Have been watching this thread since the begining - glad you have more schitzba then I do!
pips&peeps :

That guy can't help but make an a$$ of himself, can he?

I wonder if you can appeal the judge's decision on the dogs. She did not make an informed decision. Did she hear any testimony about how they have the neighborhood living in fear?

She only heard the deputy say that the dogs were a continual problem and had attacked pets before. I guess she believed the stupid neighbor's lawyer when he promised they wouldn't roam again. It's not exactly an appeal, but I can have it brought to the attention of the County Attorney that can bring it to a court for determination, or I can file a separate civil case myself with the request. Yes, I am tenacious enough to do that. I truly believe that these dogs are a threat. If I don't do all I can and a kid gets mauled I would never forgive myself.​
Congrats Jody, I had a feeling you would win. Now you can start planning the victory party. I did send a note to Sheriff Dunning complimenting him and his officers on a job well done through the link you provided.

Just remember the posse is still here ready to ride if needed!
I sent an email too.
What exactly was his punishment in court today? Just a fine?

Congrats on winning!!
Don't give up until he pays!

Just my opinion but it sounds like it might be a lot of stupid dog owner as much as stupid dog.

Hope his fines will replace your loss. Glad to see the responsible animal tender wins one!
Congratulations Jody!!! Hope you can move on from all this and they get their house Sold so you can finally have an ending!!!!!
I'm sure you're going to have a very Wonderful Weekend!!!
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