I was, now I am switching to cornmeal because it's easier to sift the worms out:)
Thanks for the follow up Matt..........I don't have any other questions at this point.

Interestingly, I now have a lot of baby mealworms gorging themselves and growing. I guess I just didn't give it enough time. However, it was in excess of like 2 months from when I started with the first pupae that I saw any signs of baby mealworms; quite longer than what had been suggested it should be. For whatever reason, it just took a lot longer - maybe some other factors that I was unaware of, although I have not changed really anything. Anyway, it appears now that my mealworm farm is producing and based on what I've seen as far as growth the last 2-4 weeks, I'm guessing I'll have some larger ones to feed bluebirds and my chickens in a month or so.

A suggestion for added videos would be to get into more details about how long the entire and individual "cycles", if you will, should take. For instance, how long should it be from starting with pupae until one should see tiny baby mealworms; how long from first pupae started to having some decent sized feeder mealworms, etc. and all of the "phases" of having a mealworm farm. I'm sure there are other factors that may come into play.....like temperature, humidity, moisture, etc. - maybe some expounding on those things also.

I'm pretty sure that I did not miss the tiny ones earlier; I scoured pretty good and found none, although anything is possible. Shortly after I inquired with you (maybe a week or so), I started seeing them. I now have quite a lot and they are chowing on the carrots and the oats..........it's very evident now, whereas before there was nothing.

Thanks again for not only your help and follow up, but also for taking the time to make the videos. Although it seemed to take a lot longer than expected, they truly helped me a lot. And also thanks for responding and willingness to help. Much appreciated Matt.


Greg Meng
[email protected]

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