
I don't know about the twisted posts but was excited this morning so had to share. Sunday my buff hatched 9 cute ducklings and this morning I went to check on my ducks and out from under my mallard I saw a little head :) So waiting (wish I could say with lots of patience) to see how many she has.
Can't wait to get home today. My CLB hen has been sitting on 5eggs and today/tomorrow is hatching day!
The roo is a BLRWxEE.
Canesisters know the feeling. Hope all hatch and soon. I was 2 days off on my mallard. She would hatch when the nights are gonna be down right cold.
Quote: they DO have some sort of taste sense, but it does not specialize in spicy/sweet/etc. most taste buds rely on moisture and air passage. birds have a dry tongue and their sinuses kick in further down the throat than most mammals. and because sense of smell and taste are linked pretty closely, most birds also don't have much of a sense of smell. some specialized species can find certain things easier than others, like nectivorous birds finding their specialized flowers, carrion eaters finding something dead, etc. but those are the exceptions to the rule.

my blue and gold macaw, for instance, will eat anything I give her, but she especially loves the nuclear-hot peppers. LOL I just have to remember not to let her kiss me afterwards.
birds can eat hot peppers. my conure loves them red cayennes and I feed them to the chickens as a natural wormer. while mustard may not be fullproof on stopping egg eaters, they sure don't like it.
my hens are hatching chicks and still 2 sitting on eggs:

birds can eat hot peppers. my conure loves them red cayennes and I feed them to the chickens as a natural wormer. while mustard may not be fullproof on stopping egg eaters, they sure don't like it.
my hens are hatching chicks and still 2 sitting on eggs:

Cubalaya, do you have a problem with chicks getting out the 1x2 wire? (thinking that's what it is?)

I need to make some broody houses like this.
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this is how i raise asil chicks. i only use the triangle pens while they are laying and sitting. the chicks cannot get out of these. a couple days after hatching, I move them to the hoop houses where the chicks can get out in the yard but the hen cannot. I have not tried raising cubalayas like this
It's been awhile since I've posted, so I'm checking in. I still have Peruvian Araucanas, Purple and Violet Guineas, and my pair of Turks are 8 yrs. old now. I was looking for someone around the Fluvanna/Albemarle/Buckingham area who's Turks are laying, so I can hatch replacements. Ya'all know anyone?
Cubalaya- can you post a pic of the triangle brood pen from the other side please? Yours looks so nice! I'd like to build a few myself. I made an apartment deal for broodies but put in a roost in each. Bad idea- momma accidentally killed a chick jumping down once and if I have a new broody she'll jump up on the roost when I move her to the brood apartment. I like how your pen is.

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