
I think just PICKY! They'll reach out the fence to get the softer, tender blades while stomping the tough stuff. Maybe if compost kitchen scraps a while, they'll take care of the weedeating inside the run for me.
Anything I want my chicks to eat, I have to "teach" is tasty. Like dandelions, if you give them when they are chicks they learn that they are tasty and eat them all their life. Which is good if you don't want some for a salad once in a while lol.
Hi there! We're in Dinwiddie County....apparently they call our area "southside Virginia" so we're a bit rural out our way.
just a reminder, the Fall Gilmanor will be September 21st. at Gilman Farm & Feed, Chewning Rd, Glen Allen. (sorry that's as far as my memory will stretch without googling it.)
Hello Virginia people, I am in Newkent and I have a little 13 week silver sebright roo that I am thinking of re-homing. I am about ready to go back to teaching for the year and will not have much time to work with him. He is protective of the five hens with him already. He mostly keeps his distance but if I need to mess around in their tractor he starts dancing around me. I want him to be a good rooster when he gets grown up! I also don't know many chicken people and want him to go to a good home.


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