
well, had a visitor to the horse pen today... i'm outside, talking away to the chickens and dog, grumbling when I trip over a rooster, washing the live trap, you know. the usual stuff outside... I look up and see 3 deer watching me from the horse's pen. I continued on with what I was doing. they were still there 10 minutes later when I finished, so I went in, got the camera (with zoom lens) came back outside and clicked some pics...

guess the chickens are keeping ticks at bay around the house... the deer were loaded with them. ick.

here's one of the local bambuloids... same doe I think that tried to flatten the dog when he tripped over her new twins earlier this summer.

now if she had the same vengeance for raccoons, I wouldn't be thinking deer steaks and roasts...
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Aww, I love the deer hanging out with the horses. We have a baby born in the back part of the paddock every year. I get to watch them grow until Mama moves them when they get old enough.
Anyone know of local breeders for the following:

Naked Neck
Barred Rock

Marek's vaccinated preferred.
lots of breeders for those varieties IMO, but I don't know anyone that vaccinates their own birds...

I prefer my flock to have genetic resistance to some of the more widespread diseases.
haven't lost any to marek's since I got my first bunch of dorkings from mcmurray and sandhill preservation center. some of them were resistant, others were not. since then none of their offspring have had issues. if i'd vaccinated them all, i'd just be perpetuating a line of birds that have susceptibility to a disease that is present nearly everywhere.
take him to a swap this weekend, might be someone that needs one. not a breed I work with tho, sorry.

just a reminder the Roanoke swap is this weekend. i'll be there.
I'm up here in Stony Creek... but there's Jimmy who sets up the swap down at the Franklin TSC, Dale who lives in Franklin... there are a few people down that way I can't think to name right now, but try the swap at TSC, I think there's one on the 7th, I'll check and get back to ya!

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