
I'm looking forward to the swap! I'm looking to fill a chicken coop I have with something.... But I'm not going to decide until I'm there, that's the whole fun of it, mystery prizes!!!

It might be worth having some idea of what you're getting yourself in to. Not all chickens are created equally.

I know what I want, I just have to figure out where to get it. Not looking to order 15 as a minimum, I'll be looking for someone else to go in on an order, or hoping to find something at upcoming swaps. I'm impatient and just want to get them now :)
Not to count my chicks before they hatch, ki4got, but I have a hatchery order set to come in April 20something. I have 5 straight run silver penciled bantam cochins in there, of which I really only need (fingers crossed) two pullets. Anything beyond that, I will probably look for new homes for. Definitely any cockerels. I don't know if that interests you at all. I only need two for possible future broodies. I should probably wait to see who makes it… I have never ordered from Ideal before but my McMurray order survived well beyond what I expected being a newbie. I had to get extras "just in case". Turns out, I should have gotten less "Just in case"!!

well, if you just need broodies, I've got some bantam cochin crosses that would probably do better than hatchery stock (which rarely goes broody in my experience, since the parents are selected for their laying abilities...)

and no, I wouldn't have any need of silver penciled. sorry. silver LACED maybe. LOL but not penciled.
It might be worth having some idea of what you're getting yourself in to. Not all chickens are created equally.

I know what I want, I just have to figure out where to get it. Not looking to order 15 as a minimum, I'll be looking for someone else to go in on an order, or hoping to find something at upcoming swaps. I'm impatient and just want to get them now :)
Oh trust me I completely Agree..

Even though I Sound completely care free.. I do a lot and I mean A LOT of research before hand. So even though I sound like i'm going free style there, I actually have things in mind before going.

Right now I'm just looking forward to the Harlequin Quail I have in the bator... Yes I know I called them buttons earlier, but basically the same thing.

I grew up on a farm and I have been away from my roots for far too long. Its time to get back into the swing of things. So I just decided to jump head first into it again... I remember the homemade bator I made for highschool hatching and just did the same thing... its like a kid at Christmas!

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