Visitation hours are over!!

With mites, you have to treat the coop, spraying or fogging insecticide to ensure every surface is coated. Mites live off the bird, inside the nooks and crannies of the coop, only coming onto the bird at night to feed on their blood. Lice live directly on the bird, so you need to treat the bird with an insecticide appropriate for direct application to skin; flea spray with permethrin is ideal. Many of the products available for use on poultry are of questionable worth, which is why I am suggesting seemingly odd products for use on larger mammals; they are usually more efficient at dealing with the issue without harming the birds, but are not licensed for use in poultry, hence cannot be sold as such.
okay... It's not ideal for me to pray EVERY crack or corner it just isn't for many reasons I'm too exhausted to explain lol.... Are there any other ways? like.... some kind of petroleum jelly I can lay around her sick cage? to stop the mites? Are there any signs of mites I can look for?
:frow There is no point in keeping these two birds separated from each other.
What the one has the other has too already.
If you don't treat both at the same time they are going to keep passing it back in forth.
She's not visibly sick like the other one, the vet doesn't even know what is wrong with the sick one now until the culture comes back. When I noticed she was getting really sick I kept them separated. But she's on 3 different antibiotics
:frow There is no point in keeping these two birds separated from each other.
What the one has the other has too already.
If you don't treat both at the same time they are going to keep passing it back in forth.
They were raised together so they were surrounded with the same illness but I'm going to quarantine her until I'm absolutely certain they are all okay. I don't see any solid signs of sickness in any of my other chickens. Just lice
She's not visibly sick like the other one, the vet doesn't even know what is wrong with the sick one now until the culture comes back. When I noticed she was getting really sick I kept them separated. But she's on 3 different antibiotics
This photo is NOT what separating them looks like.

In order to prevent disease transmission they need to be FARRRRR apart from each other. Think far like next door far.

The sick one is shedding whatever it has and the other one has already been exposed.

Keeping them apart the way you have them it now is making ZERO difference in preventing the other from getting ill.

The other one has ALREADy been exposed and she is either going to start to show symptoms or not but I can assure that this type of separation is only stressing the birds both more which will make them sicker.
What antibiotics?
Pulled this from the other thread:
Chickens are very good at hiding illness, but generally, if one has it, they all do; it's nature for living creatures, like lice, to move and proliferate.

Signs of mites include grey dust around the nooks and crannies of the coop, as well as seeing them on the birds; they are red-brown when they have just fed. Rather than spray, you can use a bug-bomb, but it would require more time to be safe to put the birds back in again, at least 24 hours. I don't really know what products you have available in the US.
some organic spray that works very well but... It's not what I want it to be. It kills when it comes into contact in a few seconds right? but if I soak the bird I need to rub it in manually but I saw a few babies hiding in her wings I wasn't able to really kill.... I really feel like a stronger method like harder chemicals will do the trick but I've mostly been able to keep them... managed so it's not infesting them but I've been able to fight them off to keep them minimal....I'm very overwhelmed right now since I spent my whole day at the vet yesterday and am nursing her back to health with a lot of effort and procedures.
if I were you I would go to the feed store and get some permethrin dust for you sick birds that have lice. One treatment will kill all live lice.

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