

►ChOOken In A Box◄
10 Years
Jun 1, 2009
Hi all!
I remember around the start of this year... or the end of last year? I can't remember the time, but there was a thread created by a fellow BYCer that requested other BYCers to post picutres of visitors they have had on their property or in a local area. There were quite a lot of bird pictures, and I enjoyed looking.
It doesn't have to be a bird! Feel free to post a picture any form of visitor, hopefully positive ones.

Oh and it's alright if you don't have pictures of the visitor, I would appreciate even a story or comment.
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I remember the tread, but I can't find it ..

We have Cardinals, blue jays, tufted titmouse, carolina chickadee, and hummingbirds .. a couple of different woodpeckers, great horned owls, some big black birds .. too many hawks to be comfortable with, and lots and lots of buzzards .. LOL

Oh and deer ..

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I didn't get a picture of it but I had a Black Bear come right into the yard within 6 feet of the house and steal my hanging bird feeder, it bent the shepherds hook the feeder was on, stole the feeder and took off into the woods behind our house! Oh I was so mad

It was a brand new feeder I had just put out a few hours before!

That was Not the last time we had bear come thru our yard either!

We also have had Deer, Turkeys, skunk, raccoon, one time we even had a Bobcat on our small hill in the backyard.
Wow texasgal, you certainly have a wide variety of creatures visiting you! I love the pid of the deer.

Sorry to hear about your feeder PitterPaws, there must have been something about it.

Is it scary to have a bear in your yard??

We get quite a lot of birds around here, lorikeets and cockatoos in particular. We use to feed the cockatoos a lot and now sometimes when they come and are hungry, they bite some of the wood off our verandah.
Don't get me started on all the predatory visitors we've had around here!

We have had a couple of cockatiels, but sadly, they were escaped pets; one was followed by a distaught owner.

We did have a family of geese that wandered up, and wound up staying until the goslings fledged (not entirely by choice!!)

These guys wandered through today. I have not the foggiest idea where they came from, and it really threw us all for a loop!

I didn't get a pic but the other day I saw a bird wandering behind our barn with three babies behind her. They were turkeys with brownish feathers and some white. I think they came from one of the other farms around here....not sure which. But me and Mrs. Royal Spoiled Queen of the Farm bunny where watching as she walked past. It was pretty cool!
It sounds like you all have very interesting visitors. The other day we had some rosellas in our yard, cirmson and eastern. It was a nice sight.

Bunnylady, I would have been thrown a.. loop as well if I saw those things in my yard!!

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