wanna know what a hawk kill looks like? *graphic*

We've been having a heck of a time with Red Tail hawks ourselves. And yes, that pick of your hen looks just like the 3 chickens I lost to hawks this year. I couldn't figure out what was getting them, till I actually saw a hawk leave the scene of the crime on the third chicken killed. The hawks are definitely more aggressive this year. I had one dive bomb my chickens when I was standing just 30 feet away! I had to yell at it before it would leave.
I had her body out...I had to go to work right after she was killed, so I didn't have a choice. I would just have to bury her later...luckily it is cold enough not to really make much of a difference...as gross and sad as that is...well, the hawk came BACK and found her again. He had gone to work plucking all the feathers off of her, but I interupted him yet again, and he didn't get any further. This time, the body was under an awning about 20 feet long, a foot from a brick wall, and three feet from the new coop I am working on, on the other side of our property. This hawk must be STARVING to seek out his kill and FIND it in a new location, and work in three feet of space...

Well, the hawk didn't see me until I came around the corner. I got within five feet of him before he flew off. I went to work on the coop, I am despirately trying to get it done before it gets cold...I got set back a week because of rainy weather, and that blasted hawk came back a THIRD time looking for his kill!!!An animal that determined is despirate.

The crazy weather we are having has been super hard on wildlife this past year. I almost feel bad for the poor guy. I feel worse for my chickens though...no free ranging for them...not with this incredibly persistant hawk around...and I only have a 10x10 run for them
Sorry for your loss, that is typical look of a hawk kill. That said, the only hawk kills I've ever had were against fences where I assume the bird "got stuck". Thus I no longer keep fences to retain chickens, only to fence in the garden. So against a wall doesn't surprise me, the chicken can't go anywhere so stops long enough for the hawk to make a clean strike.
I had the same thing. Sorry for your loss.


edit to remove my pic.
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Sorry to hear you had to deal with something so upsetting.
I've had a Cooper's hawk pick a finch off of my bird feeder before, which isn't the same, but it was still sad. I guess a bird's gotta eat.

That being said, a different hawk got itself electrocuted on an old power line at my dad's house, so I guess it evens out eventually.
I'm sorry for your loss. I just lost five of my "peeps" that I had gotten just this past March to the neighbor's dog. Quite sad really, a few had just started trying to lay - we had gotten a couple eggs the size of marbles.

Three of my "peeps" looked like your dearly departed Snow. I didn't really pay much attention to the type of chicks I was purchasing when I bought them in March because it was quite hectic and a chaotic grab and dash at the feed store for them.

Can anyone tell me what kind of chicken Snow was?


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