Want some free chickens?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 17, 2007
We have 10 hens avilable to a good home they are 3 or 4 years old. They are laying intermittantly. They are free ranged and have never been feed animal byproducts.

We are looking to get 25 chicks this fall, but only have 1 chicken coop and are afarid the small ones will be bullied so rather then going Chicken Run on our poor hens we thought we would offer them here.

There is 1 Silver laced Wyandotte (she is 4 the others are all 3), 3 Welshiemers, and 6 Easter Eggers.

Please note that while I would prefer that they live a good chicken life, I realize their fate is tied to their egg laying, and what shall be shall be. I will not require anyone to promise they will not... Well, you know...

We are in North East Ohio in between Cleveland and Akron, chickens would have to be picked up. Let us know if you are interested...

My coop is pretty small for 35 chickens (10+the new 25) and I only have one home for them. So I am worried about the little chickens going into the winter being picked on by the older ones. And we have people ask us CONSTANTLY if we have eggs so I do want chickens that will lay more then 2 or 3 eggs a day...
I wish you lived closer....I would take them.
I usually turn my "old" hens out to free range with the youngsters when they aren't laying well anymore. We always have someone who drives up & wants a pet chicken that is more settled than a rambunctious teenager.

Sorry if I got your hopes up at all... I talked to DF, thinking that maybe we could detour on our way home from TN next week and pick some up, and he said absolutely not, that I need to find someone more local. He refuses to make a 3 hour drive with chickens in the car.

I don't live that far away.... about 40 mins from Boardman in Pa. I would be interested in your Silver Laced Wyandotte. I have 2 Australorps, a Barred Rock and a White Rock. They get layer feed and free range. Great for bug control!

I'd just have to find some time to come pick her up, and hope my hubby doesn't notice her, haha. I'd snap them all up, but hubby would divorce me.....

What's your zipcode?

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