Warrior cat rpg

Today is a great day for thunderclan. we have 4 young apprentices who have proven themselves worthy of becoming warriors of thunderclan. Emberpaw, Silverpaw, Darkpaw, and Badgerpaw will you please step forward.

Do you promise to uphold the warrior cat even if it cost you your life.

(everyone says i do)

Then by the powers of starclan i give you your warrior names. Emberpaw from this day forward you will be know as Emberflame.
Silverpaw you will be called Silversky, Darkpaw will be known as Darkheart, and Badgerpaw will Be Badgerclaw. Congradulations new warriors of thunderclan.

I would also like to make an anouncement. Stormfast will be taking over for me as I move to the nursery.

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