Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Quote: Mine stay out in the rain unless it is wind driven or a hard downpour. Even then they don't back to their covered run, the tend to hang out in the covered dust bath area.
Since they don't worry, neither do I.
Dumb chickens. Let's see, I cooked extra rice for them, I buy melons for them, cracked corn, scratch, I scramble eggs (with shell particles) for them, they have a covered run, nearly an acre to play in, places to hide, they're out by 2pm and they roost when they feel like it. Did I mention two large poultry waterers and a 5-7 lb feeder, all raised or hanging to keep out dirt, etc. Yep, really stupid. Oh, did I say I hand feed these dummies bread, biscuits, tortillas? Dumb birds.

They also like spaghetti noodles.

Mikey, you crack me up!
I can't get Tylan at any place I can reasonably drive to today; they all sell Duramycin. I will scrub down my coop again, and this time I will mist it with Oxine, add oxine to the water for all my birds. I will also mist a little oxine over their heads when they roost tonight. I will only add Duramycin to the water that the flock with the bubbly eyed birds are in; I assume all of that flock is exposed (10 hens, 2 roosters). I don't like the idea of prophylactically medicating everyone with antibiotics. I think the "better-safe-than-sorry" mentality leads to overuse of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. If my pullets, bantams or rooster coop show any signs of illness, I will add the medication to their water at that time, but for now, they will only get oxine.

Ogress... I wish I could offer some good information, but sadly I can't. But I can keep my fingers crossed for the best outcome. Good luck.
I have a delima...I have two EE's that give us green eggs and four RR/BO mix which give us brown eggs the last month the whites are runny and the yolks break in the brown eggs...the EE's eggs are fine. yolks break just before it is time to turn them over. Why would this be happening they eat the same foods/bugs.

Hi, I've seen this happen with my girls in two situations. First when one was about to start molting which is a period of rejuvenation for their system. And second when one was nearing the end of her egg production totally. This is only from my rather limited experience, so keep looking for others with more experience, too.
Sick bird update:

The rooster and the 2 hens - all 3 with bubble eye:

Bad eye:

This hen has it the worst - it is in both of her eyes; the photo is blurry because she pulled her head up from the water bowl as I snapped the photo. The other hen also has it in 2 eyes, but it is barely noticeable

Did you try Terramycin? it is for eye infections? It might help? I use it on sheep that have eye injuries or my dogs who get a corneal scratch...it does wonders! You out it in the eye and it kills the infection. I haven't done it to a chicken but it really works.

I asked my vet and she was wondering if the wild birds (sparrow, crows, etc) share the food as they can carry diseases from other sources. She also recommend Corid, I think 2-3 tbs per gallon? Only source of water.
I was wondering why my chickens were hopping out of the one pasture and free roaming in the barn area. I finally put chicken wire on top of the cattle panel so they could not thru the large squares. Then I was going to refill their nest box with fresh and found 23 eggs....bast**ds.....I tossed them since I had no idea how old they were but locked them up today and got 13 eggs.....then in the barn, next to the barrels against the wall, I found two more nest, heaping with eggs.....of course, they were my Black copper Marans eggs, super dark, tossed due not knowing how old....I gave the hens the evil eye and when I let them loose tonight, a few ran to the fence, expecting to get out...HA, HA.........guess now I will be getting the hidden eggs! All this time I thought they were slowing down due to the heat but they were hiding them from me....I should have known as the other chicken areas had nice egg production!

One of my young pullets laid her first eggs...it was the size of half of my thumb...This is the first time I have ever seen an egg this small. She really raised a fuss then the roo did his announcement. My mom and Aunt were over her and they were so excited to see the first egg. My mom took it so she could have a small snackie....my chickens love my mom and recognize her and come running and squawking as they know they will get all sort od treats.

We just had a nice day here...with the Mom, Aunt and Brother over for a luncheon. My mom had pet chickens as a child in Japan and love them...her fav are the Silkies and RIR. So I keep some of them just for her. She loved the Silkie that was raising the Cream Legbars. My mom is getting old and it was so nice to see her so happy feeding the chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep. It nice to have family time and just enjoy a pleasant Sunday afternoon! Of course, Mom. Aunt and Brother made off with several doz eggs and fresh plums off the tree. The Japanese really prize the Silkie eggs and consider it a delicacy...they pay $6 per egg...so I send my mom and Aunt home with a doz each....it's like winning the lotto for them.....

Just a nice day and wanted to share.......
Did you try Terramycin? it is for eye infections? It might help? I use it on sheep that have eye injuries or my dogs who get a corneal scratch...it does wonders! You out it in the eye and it kills the infection. I haven't done it to a chicken but it really works.

I asked my vet and she was wondering if the wild birds (sparrow, crows, etc) share the food as they can carry diseases from other sources. She also recommend Corid, I think 2-3 tbs per gallon? Only source of water.
I have not tried terramycin - I may have some left from when my dog got sprayed in one eye by a stink bug that hopped along in a package from Texas. Not sure the dose...

I keep their food inside the coop, so no wild birds there, but the birds do free-range all day every day. They like the compost pile and so do other birds. Maybe from there?? I have had the compost pile for longer than I have had chickens.
Delta - I was looking for a FB "Like" button for your posts. Sounds like you had a nice weekend.Two of the eggs you gave to me have hatched, another was in the process and a third egg was chirping last I checked this afternoon. So far all the chicks have been black with yellow chins and bellies - same with the 7 eggs from my hens that have hatched. I'm hoping one of the Swedish Flowers will hatch. Looks like I will have a bunch of Marans and Maran/black orpington or Barnevelder crosses. My Barnie eggs I hatched all appear to have had the orpington as dad, not either of the 2 Barnies. Sirius Black has been a busy guy....
Diane - was that vet Diane M? If I remember correctly, she is an avian specialist. Can you ask what she would recommend using? I no longer am in touch with Richard .... occasionally see him at a work group reunion.

I have not tried terramycin - I may have some left from when my dog got sprayed in one eye by a stink bug that hopped along in a package from Texas. Not sure the dose...

I keep their food inside the coop, so no wild birds there, but the birds do free-range all day every day. They like the compost pile and so do other birds. Maybe from there?? I have had the compost pile for longer than I have had chickens.
for sheep, I just goop it in the eyes so it is covered so do that for your birds...I know I did it daily or twice a day for my dogs....would have to read the label as I can't remember!
I was wondering why my chickens were hopping out of the one pasture and free roaming in the barn area. I finally put chicken wire on top of the cattle panel so they could not thru the large squares. Then I was going to refill their nest box with fresh and found 23 eggs....bast**ds.....I tossed them since I had no idea how old they were but locked them up today and got 13 eggs.....then in the barn, next to the barrels against the wall, I found two more nest, heaping with eggs.....of course, they were my Black copper Marans eggs, super dark, tossed due not knowing how old....I gave the hens the evil eye and when I let them loose tonight, a few ran to the fence, expecting to get out...HA, HA.........guess now I will be getting the hidden eggs! All this time I thought they were slowing down due to the heat but they were hiding them from me....I should have known as the other chicken areas had nice egg production!

One of my young pullets laid her first eggs...it was the size of half of my thumb...This is the first time I have ever seen an egg this small. She really raised a fuss then the roo did his announcement. My mom and Aunt were over her and they were so excited to see the first egg. My mom took it so she could have a small snackie....my chickens love my mom and recognize her and come running and squawking as they know they will get all sort od treats.

We just had a nice day here...with the Mom, Aunt and Brother over for a luncheon. My mom had pet chickens as a child in Japan and love them...her fav are the Silkies and RIR. So I keep some of them just for her. She loved the Silkie that was raising the Cream Legbars. My mom is getting old and it was so nice to see her so happy feeding the chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep. It nice to have family time and just enjoy a pleasant Sunday afternoon! Of course, Mom. Aunt and Brother made off with several doz eggs and fresh plums off the tree. The Japanese really prize the Silkie eggs and consider it a delicacy...they pay $6 per egg...so I send my mom and Aunt home with a doz each....it's like winning the lotto for them.....

Just a nice day and wanted to share.......

Glad you had such a nice day, thanks for sharing with us!

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