Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I will ask her.....I know she recommended terramycin and a injection of LA200 when the sheep had pink eye. I would use the terramycin, Corid and an injection as that would cover the eye issue. Start that and I will get back to you.

Did I give you some eggs and did you hatch them out? I can't remember!
Delta - I was looking for a FB "Like" button for your posts. Sounds like you had a nice weekend.Two of the eggs you gave to me have hatched, another was in the process and a third egg was chirping last I checked this afternoon. So far all the chicks have been black with yellow chins and bellies - same with the 7 eggs from my hens that have hatched. I'm hoping one of the Swedish Flowers will hatch. Looks like I will have a bunch of Marans and Maran/black orpington or Barnevelder crosses. My Barnie eggs I hatched all appear to have had the orpington as dad, not either of the 2 Barnies. Sirius Black has been a busy guy....
For the life of me, I can't remember what breed of eggs I gave you!
The Blue Copper Marans hen is one of my fav hens and a real steady layer...maybe 5 eggs a week and very good hen...friendly and curious and very tame. Her chicks have her. personality and very stunning. I used a direct Bev Davis roo on her. Hope the chick turns out to be a hen.
I have some SFH and some Blue CM eggs in the incubator and they will hatch next week. Then I am going to put some Legbar eggs and some Blue Maran eggs in this week.
Stinking Coyotes - yipping and howling going up and down the hill in front of my house, probably trying to lure out one of my dogs to eat as they are barking insanely in response; but they are not nearly as loud as the coyotes. Dogs are safely in their enclosure with the chickens between them and the coyotes. Chickens, even the roosters are silent! They are safe in their strong coops, but I am sure they can overhear it all. Funny - I walked to my office and flipped on my light since I can't sleep with all the noise and the coyotes went silent and headed back down the hill. I hate coyotes. Much rather hear an elk bugle, though they are loud enough to wake me as well.
Living in the City of Tacoma...

I cannot decide if this RIR is a hen or a rooster. I got the 3 of them when they were 5 weeks old back in April. Opinions?

Good morning All,

For the last 2 days, my RIR Scarlett has been "crowing"...long and loud every morning and throughout the day. Pretty safe to say that Scarlett is actually Will Scarlett...lol... I live in Tacoma and the city ordinance won't allow me to keep him, plus there are rumblings from some neighbors :-( I don't want any money for him. I'd be happy with a little oyster shell and a good home. Any takers? I don't want to put him on Craig's List if I can avoid it. You can message me off list if you like.

Rena Bird
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You should put him in the re homing section.
I was wondering why my chickens were hopping out of the one pasture and free roaming in the barn area. I finally put chicken wire on top of the cattle panel so they could not thru the large squares. Then I was going to refill their nest box with fresh and found 23 eggs....bast**ds.....I tossed them since I had no idea how old they were but locked them up today and got 13 eggs.....then in the barn, next to the barrels against the wall, I found two more nest, heaping with eggs.....of course, they were my Black copper Marans eggs, super dark, tossed due not knowing how old....I gave the hens the evil eye and when I let them loose tonight, a few ran to the fence, expecting to get out...HA, HA.........guess now I will be getting the hidden eggs! All this time I thought they were slowing down due to the heat but they were hiding them from me....I should have known as the other chicken areas had nice egg production!

One of my young pullets laid her first eggs...it was the size of half of my thumb...This is the first time I have ever seen an egg this small. She really raised a fuss then the roo did his announcement. My mom and Aunt were over her and they were so excited to see the first egg. My mom took it so she could have a small snackie....my chickens love my mom and recognize her and come running and squawking as they know they will get all sort od treats.

We just had a nice day here...with the Mom, Aunt and Brother over for a luncheon. My mom had pet chickens as a child in Japan and love them...her fav are the Silkies and RIR. So I keep some of them just for her. She loved the Silkie that was raising the Cream Legbars. My mom is getting old and it was so nice to see her so happy feeding the chickens, ducks, geese, and sheep. It nice to have family time and just enjoy a pleasant Sunday afternoon! Of course, Mom. Aunt and Brother made off with several doz eggs and fresh plums off the tree. The Japanese really prize the Silkie eggs and consider it a delicacy...they pay $6 per egg...so I send my mom and Aunt home with a doz each....it's like winning the lotto for them.....

Just a nice day and wanted to share.......
Love the story about your day! Thanks for sharing. My "kids" started hiding eggs in an out of the way part of the coop at one point. It can be like a year round Easter egg hunt if you aren't careful! LOL.
Hi NC stalker -

Thank you for the response. None of my birds are listless nor do they have fluffed up feathers. A few weeks ago, I did notice that one of my EE's was giving me eggs with thin shells that would break easily; I suspect she has since stopped laying completely. I'm eating some sunny-sides right now from eggs I collected yesterday, and they are just fine. Other than one egg-bound bird 4 years ago, and one day-old chick a few years back, I have only lost birds to predators. I'm hoping that is not about to change. Right now the 3 bubbly eyed birds are standing on my deck, preening and behaving perfectly normal. On two of those birds you have to pick them up and look closely to see the bubbles. The third I can tell from further away. None has swollen wattles nor any other symptom that I can see.

I have my birds for egg production for my family and a few friends. I don't sell birds, nor do I show them so I won't cull my flock, but I don't think I will be adding to it either; at least not until I get this under control. I know they will now always be carriers even if they show no symptoms. I think my LF flock will always be susceptible to diseases from wild birds as they have access to free-range from dawn until dusk. I have just been lucky until this point. If I lose a bird, I may send it to Pullman for a necropsy.

Searching bubbly eyes on BYC, it looks like lots of people have had success treating it and whatever infections have caused it with Tylan, Duramycin or Sulmet, but of those 3, Tylan is the only one approved to be used on a layer flock, and the one that seems to get the best reviews. I can do that now, and treatment is only 3 days. I can do that far quicker than waiting for a bird to die and sending it in for necropsy. I just need to know if I use the injectable form, do I use a fresh needle for each bird each day? and can I inject some birds and treat the drinking water for others? (I'm thinking of injecting the free-range flock and treating the water for the pullets since they are showing no symptoms but roost in close proximity to the layer flock)

I had to look up Cathlamet - I had heard of it, but did not know where it was. You likely played South Bend which is on the coast and oddly no where near North Bend. I am about 35 miles E of Seattle in the Cascades. We are close in age - my 30 year reunion will be in 2015, but I grew up in California. It is much nicer here!
Ogress, I hope your birds are doing better, I read on a later post that the disease is going through your flock - that stinks.
I am not familiar with Oxine but have read that others use it and love it. Another product I keep saying I need to check out! You also might also want to consider adding vitamins and electrolytes to their water a few days a week. Just trying to think of things I did... I am certainly not an expert. I know when my flock was sick I was looking for any and all recommendations - you can always weed out what doesn't sound reasonable to you. This might keep the non-symptomatic birds from getting sick.

Yes, I think it was South Bend. LOL... 30 years ago was a long time ago! I would be surprised if anyone on here knows where Cathlamet is! We are looking at the Colville/Kettle Falls area in Stevens County for retirement. Another area full of small towns that many folks have never heard of.
I am working on coming around to full circle.

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