Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I see that I have a BYC Friend award.
How did that happen?
I'm flattered!
Thank you!
I'm pretty sure it's because people think of you as a friend

Cannot wait to see your second coop.
Here's some eye candy - a photo of one of the Spitz chicks my broody is raising for Hallerlake

And one more...
I know where Winlock is too!

Oh what breeds??? That is such a slippery question around here. I "currently" have Blue Copper Marans, Lavender Amerucanas, Welsummers, Buff Orpingtons, a couple of RIR hens, Olive Egger and Easter Eggers. I am not happy with the Wels so I found someone with better quality pullets and cockerels and I am going to get hatching eggs once they get past the pullet egg stage, she also has beautiful BBS English Orpingtons and I am planning on hatching some of those too. I am looking for some Crested Cream Legbars for blue eggs as it turns out that lavender chickens are hawk magnets and this place is full of hawks! The Marans may stay or go, I haven't decided. Most of the OE and EE chicks will go as I replace them with the other breeds I mentioned. It really is a revolving door. I get hatching eggs, raise them decide if I like their personalities, if they are a good fit, etc. I am still working on figuring out what I want to raise.

What about you?
I have LF Orpingtons, black, white, lavender, and blues. I bought eggs this past spring and hatched these. I am still looking for buffs. I am just getting started so all these are young. We are building pens like crazy. LOL
Hello! So, I'm not going to be breeding my OEGB... They all have the white spots, which I've discovered is a fault. One hen's eggs are so porous NONE of the test eggs have hatched. They develop well thru 2nd candling, then just stop. I'll probably keep playing with their eggs as I have aquired a new incubator, and if I get 10% hatch, I know I'm doing fine. LOL. It could be their age, as they are rescues, so I have no idea how old they are. <shrug> I adopted from a no-kill shelter, so I will be looking for a new home for them before next Spring I hope. The eggs are tasty, and I get 2 at least per day, which isn't anything to sneeze at, but probably make more sense for a couple or single person. I was a sucker for the rescue ladies pitch, is what happened. And they are pretty. And would make someone awesome back yard pets.
Just thinking out loud, and trying to figure out a OEG bantam (clean legged, do well in our climate) that fits this profile:
1. solid genetic background so I can keep one group of 4 for a long time
2. good disposition, I'd like to sell them to aforementioned couples/single people who would love them but can't commit to LF due to space reasons. Or make nice 4H birds for young people (my kids are 3 and 5)
3. Driving distance source. I'm already shipping in HRIR, and have plans for Delaware next Spring, and Cornish next Fall or Winter. I'm on the Olympic Peninsula.
Thanks for hearing me out ... helps me think. And I get great feedback here. :)
Still fighting with my puter.....deleted IE & set up Chrome (again) and when I do this (I have done it 3 X and went back) the puter is super FAST......but after a few weeks, is back to constipation, despite deleting search history, empty the cache, cleaning the volume, and defraging....it still gets constipated & so I delete it & go back to IE, and the puter is then (once again) super fast for a few weeks, and on it goes.
So.....just stopped in to say HI...still working on the house, working towards plumbing & getting the electric ditch dug so we can get that inspected................taking forever but is to be expected with DH & I being so cripped up.


HI to all newbies !!!

Don't know if you are still on, but had to say, the chicks are HUGE! We transferred them from the heated brooder to the "windw" brooder (no heat) last night so they can harden off a bit. Oh, that's what you do to plants huh! Wrong species, never mind. They are doing so well.

Himself is going hunting soon, so being alone, you may get some visits from me!

Don't know if you are still on, but had to say, the chicks are HUGE! We transferred them from the heated brooder to the "windw" brooder (no heat) last night so they can harden off a bit. Oh, that's what you do to plants huh! Wrong species, never mind. They are doing so well.

Himself is going hunting soon, so being alone, you may get some visits from me!
ha ha yes I am still here, just had to read PMs...I have another batch of the JGs in the hatching bator due the 11th.......went into lockdown last night...they are for Icammack (sp?) who is really Linde from the great north.......I have to vaccine these babies & meet up with her on the 17th, in Everett.
I am planning a route, which would take me up I-5 to see Hallerlake, then north to meet up with Linde in Everett, then east to visit my kids in Monroe, then back home via 405....to I-5, etc.
Bad part is all visits will have to be rather quick.....
Hallerlake going to be home ?
And TC: where is himself going off to hunt ?

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