Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

@QuiltinGramma wrote:

Thanks y'all for the help in diagnosing my chicken that is molting. Never seen one when its molting before. So then, when a chicken is molting their feathers just break and then fall out? About how long should this last? I just love the color of her feathers, so I can't wait to see her new ones.

And my reply::::::::::::::::::::::::

This is hysterical....if you have never seen this BYC contest before, you will love it !!!


This is a link to the 2013 contest, I need to find the 2015 one.......................to see the winners, click the link on top of that page.....to see all the entrants, surf through, page by page...and pack a lunch ! It is super intertaining !!!

Book Mark the page so you can go back & visit it again !


Here is 2015 ::


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Hi There, the Monroe Fairground calendar lists the WFF show as being on March 19th, 9a -2p…..Am not sure what that means….since it usually lasts longer than that but as long as i have been attending and watching other show schedules, it is the only one that is one day. For those interested, there are other shows in the spring also….The PNPA show is usually just before or after the Monroe show and is usually at the Clark Co. fairgrounds, Ridgefield, Wa. ( near the Washington / Oregon border. It has also been at Stevenson, Wa. about 30-40 min. east along the Columbia river.)
OK, are ya going eliz ?
I think I'll go this time, IF I have good conditioned birds...so far they are looking like drowned rats............
Here's a good website (link) to check show dates. The Monroe Show is scheduled for March 19, and @Chickielady they showed the Fall show as two days and this one as only one so perhaps this one really will be just one. The PNPA show is scheduled for April 16 at the Clark County Fairgrounds which is just a tad North of Vancouver, Wa right alongside I-5.

For anyone that hasn't been to a poultry show yet, they are really fun. Hundreds of fowl, not just chickens. It's a great chance to talk to breeders and fanciers and see what all these breeds are really supposed to look like, compared to hatchery birds. Usually there's a kids show at the same time, 4H I think. There's also a "Sales Area" where members of the club (Washington Feather Fanciers or PNPA) are allowed to bring birds to sell. Another good opportunity if you're interested. The event is free. Dress VERY warmly, that barn is incredibly cold. And remember too that absolutely no dogs are allowed, for obvious reasons. :)
I hope so !!!
I was out kind of early this morning, just before sunrise. Luckily it wasn't raining and I could take my time walking to and from the coop. I was reminded how beautiful it can be outdoors in the still, quiet moments even when the sky is fully of big heavy gray clouds. The light still gives a golden glow to everything around and the air is fresh and sweet. I love mornings like this and I am so grateful to live in a place where I can enjoy the outdoors and smell the sweetness of the trees before the beginning of a busy day.

Me too, and I LOVE the smell of the air after 1) a hail storm, that knocks just enough fir needles off to spice the air with balsam...........

and 2) the smell of the air ripe with Ozone, during a windy storm.
We are so lucky to live here, now.
Sadly, someday all of this will be gone, paved & built over, by our overbreeding & over populating.

Our children's children will not see this wild clean beautiful place we see now.
So....................I turned on the cabinet incubator..............and have about 2 dozen eggs to put in this evening....starting with Bielefelders, Sulmtalers, and on & on it goes.

Fertility testing....spring has sprung in my brain !

So the little bator I have been running will once again be the hatching bator....

@blueducklings .........................see ? You are not the only crazy one out here !
Concerning those who are looking for certain breeds of fowl (of all kinds) the upcoming show is the place to go !

The best thing to do is find what you want...what kind of breed, and contact the person as soon as possible...and ask if they will be at the show and if they can bring you ______________________ ?

I have a few lists of club members, names/address/phone # but it does not list what they breed, so sometimes it is a detective issue...you have to search, ask someone & go from there.

@CarolynF is located up north, I believe in the Kitsap area and would perphaps know who breeds what up that way....Lyn @Cowgirlgrace is in Gig Harbor & would know who's who around those parts.
I have not been to a show in 1 1/2 yrs, so I am not sure who breeds what currently, but I keep asking....
@elizmartin is in the Bellingham area...ask her if she knows of what you want if you are up her way....
There is also various clubs, for example, the Ameraucana Breeder's Club, who set up booths for information at the shows, and these booths are staffed by members.
Try searching for the club of the breed you want, many have contact e-mail address...you can leave a message that you are located here in the Pacific Northwest, and will be attending a Poultry Show next March, and will any breeders of that breed be attending ?
If so, is there a way to contact this person so maybe you can have them meet you with eggs or chicks ?
Remember to switch your cell phones to vibrate, cuz it is super noisy..SUPER noisy in the Poulrt Barn, and you may miss the person trying to find you there !
I have gone around and around looking for someone who I was supposed to meet...it is VERY noisy !
I almost have to keep my phone in my hand to feel if someone is calling, the volume does not go up high enough!

If you plan to pick up chicks, bring a box appropriate for them, and do not forget hand warmers, or carry them right under your heater vent (heat on HIGH can be uncomfortable to us humans...hand warmers under the shavings in the box can help the chicks, remember to give them air)
I am trying to think of anything else you would need to remember...
Ok I will try & contact whoever I can if any of you need a certain breed...I also have a SPPA and a ALBC breeder's Book....in it is breeders from all 50 states.
OK. later peeps !
I plan on going and can transport to/from the Whidbey Island/Mt.Vernon/Anacortes area. Probably won't be showing anything but I may have LF Cochin or Sal Fav juveniles and/or silkie hens available to sell/trade/gift.
Quote: Excellent Point !!!!! That is one thing I forgot to mention, is that we all will be driving all over the state & can maybe hand-off what you want, person to person until you can pick it up, this is enabling at its greatest !

Example, I am here in Pacific County, SW WA, and going to Monroe, so I could pick up something someone else wants...and transport it back here & deliver it to ?
As far as my lunch, I am thinking of going to this gluten free pizza parlor...but need to check into it more, my kids are there, and hope to meet up with them & have a real sit-down meal ! Hard to do being a Celiac !

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