Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Concerning those who are looking for certain breeds of fowl (of all kinds) the upcoming show is the place to go !

The best thing to do is find what you want...what kind of breed, and contact the person as soon as possible...and ask if they will be at the show and if they can bring you ______________________ ?

I have a few lists of club members, names/address/phone # but it does not list what they breed, so sometimes it is a detective issue...you have to search, ask someone & go from there.

@CarolynF is located up north, I believe in the Kitsap area and would perphaps know who breeds what up that way....Lyn @Cowgirlgrace is in Gig Harbor & would know who's who around those parts.
I have not been to a show in 1 1/2 yrs, so I am not sure who breeds what currently, but I keep asking....
@elizmartin is in the Bellingham area...ask her if she knows of what you want if you are up her way....
There is also various clubs, for example, the Ameraucana Breeder's Club, who set up booths for information at the shows, and these booths are staffed by members.
Try searching for the club of the breed you want, many have contact e-mail address...you can leave a message that you are located here in the Pacific Northwest, and will be attending a Poultry Show next March, and will any breeders of that breed be attending ?
If so, is there a way to contact this person so maybe you can have them meet you with eggs or chicks ?
Remember to switch your cell phones to vibrate, cuz it is super noisy..SUPER noisy in the Poulrt Barn, and you may miss the person trying to find you there !
I have gone around and around looking for someone who I was supposed to meet...it is VERY noisy !
I almost have to keep my phone in my hand to feel if someone is calling, the volume does not go up high enough!

If you plan to pick up chicks, bring a box appropriate for them, and do not forget hand warmers, or carry them right under your heater vent (heat on HIGH can be uncomfortable to us humans...hand warmers under the shavings in the box can help the chicks, remember to give them air)
I am trying to think of anything else you would need to remember...
Ok I will try & contact whoever I can if any of you need a certain breed...I also have a SPPA and a ALBC breeder's Book....in it is breeders from all 50 states.
OK. later peeps !

what SHOW where? I'm reading this.. and there is NOTHING to say where there is a show and when? Please help?
It had been a couple years since I visited but fortunately I had used my tablet to log in and it remembered my password for me. It has taken all this time to prove in a court of law that chickens and ducks are birds! The city of Covington tried saying that our chickens and ducks are the same as dogs and cats so they could impose a limit of 3 outdoor small animals total, which would only allow us one chicken and one duck since we have an outdoor cat. The code for birds went by square footage of living space, limited to 2000 square feet, so technically we could have up to 1000 bantam sized birds. Initially the municipal court judge ruled in favor of the city but a superior court judge ruled that chickens and ducks are birds and should therefore be regulated as birds so the same municipal court judge that ruled in favor of the city reversed his judgement and we were finally found not guilty of violatinv the code for small animals by having more then one chicken and more than one duck.

Because our legal battle has taken two years to make it through the court system, our plans were put on hold all that time. We were told we needed a business license to sell birds or eggs but that was also a lie. We did sell some of our hatches at times but we limited sales to the frequency that would be consistent with yard sales or selling household items on Craigslist. We also made sure to keep any birds we wanted grandfathered in because Covington repealed the code entirely ansd the code enforcement officer rewrote the code with a limit of 5 chickens or ducks and no roosters - tnere was nothing outlawing roosters in the original code which mirrored the King County code except to omit the line about 1 square foot per chicken.

As a result of our battle with the city, we kept far more chicks and ducklings than we ever wanted to keep and now that we have grown out our hatches to see how they look for breeding, we have some serious flock reduction to do before we are drowning in eggs. We have built a cabinet incubator from an oak cabinet so we can try hatching more duck eggs this year but we have excess breeding pairs to sell that will still leave us with our largest flock yet. I believe we need 30 birds to get NPIP certified and 50 ducks to get on the breeder list but we have more than we need to proceed with those goals. My daughter did earn her Girl Scout Silver Award with her service project that we have continued as a non-profit hobby but she was not able to see her goals completed yet.

If there is anyone considering getting ducks and wants the best foraging and laying bantam ducks, we have breeding pairs of Australian Spotted ducks available in all three colors - greenhead, bluehead, and silverhead. We ended up with Silkies to use as incubators before we realized how easy it is to hatch duck eggs in Little Giant incubators so we are raising BBS bearded Silkies for the fun of it and we have a few nice roosters tnat need homes or they will go to the auction. We also have BBS English Orpingtons since we fell in love with the breed when we hatched them to help buy feed year round since they lay non-stop and we hatch them year round to pay for feed. We need to clear out some roosters before we can start selling pullets but we have already decided to sell most of the hatches we kept because we don't need very many when the ducks are really what we love the most. They were worth fighting for but it sure used up alot of resources to fight city government and the judge hired by the city and paid for with our tax money.

I know alot of you have not realized the many benefits of having backyard ducks with your backyard chickens but if you are considering getting ducks I can help you out!
I started catching up reading other forums and it has not been two years since I had last visited since 2016 just started and I was last here in 2014. It has just been over a year. It has been two years dealing with code enforcement but thankfully that is over.

One thing I learned is that cities can make up any regulations they want but if it is in conflict with county regulations they have to enforcement it on their own. Covington contracts with King county for animal control services but because animal control determined that I was not violating any King county laws they do not have an issue with the birds. It is really our one and only code enforcement officer who bullies people into getting rid of their birds and he is the one who rewrote the code because the county does not recognize city regulations that are not consistent with county regulations. I am probably the only person who has stood up against the bully in order to protect my daughter's service project.

Last night I read that Holderreads will no longer keep Australian Spotted ducks so people can no longer get them shipped. I have debated whether or not to complete my daughter's goals and now I am more determined to help her with her project. She is just fifeteen years old and she ended up overcoming obstacles she never anticipated. I have supported her all the way and I will keep supporting her because the fight is worth fighting. I really love these ducks and I want to see them multiply and spread to more duck lovers to keep the breed from disappearing.
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It had been a couple years since I visited but fortunately I had used my tablet to log in and it remembered my password for me. It has taken all this time to prove in a court of law that chickens and ducks are birds! The city of Covington tried saying that our chickens and ducks are the same as dogs and cats so they could impose a limit of 3 outdoor small animals total, which would only allow us one chicken and one duck since we have an outdoor cat. The code for birds went by square footage of living space, limited to 2000 square feet, so technically we could have up to 1000 bantam sized birds. Initially the municipal court judge ruled in favor of the city but a superior court judge ruled that chickens and ducks are birds and should therefore be regulated as birds so the same municipal court judge that ruled in favor of the city reversed his judgement and we were finally found not guilty of violatinv the code for small animals by having more then one chicken and more than one duck.

Because our legal battle has taken two years to make it through the court system, our plans were put on hold all that time. We were told we needed a business license to sell birds or eggs but that was also a lie. We did sell some of our hatches at times but we limited sales to the frequency that would be consistent with yard sales or selling household items on Craigslist. We also made sure to keep any birds we wanted grandfathered in because Covington repealed the code entirely ansd the code enforcement officer rewrote the code with a limit of 5 chickens or ducks and no roosters - tnere was nothing outlawing roosters in the original code which mirrored the King County code except to omit the line about 1 square foot per chicken.

As a result of our battle with the city, we kept far more chicks and ducklings than we ever wanted to keep and now that we have grown out our hatches to see how they look for breeding, we have some serious flock reduction to do before we are drowning in eggs. We have built a cabinet incubator from an oak cabinet so we can try hatching more duck eggs this year but we have excess breeding pairs to sell that will still leave us with our largest flock yet. I believe we need 30 birds to get NPIP certified and 50 ducks to get on the breeder list but we have more than we need to proceed with those goals. My daughter did earn her Girl Scout Silver Award with her service project that we have continued as a non-profit hobby but she was not able to see her goals completed yet.

If there is anyone considering getting ducks and wants the best foraging and laying bantam ducks, we have breeding pairs of Australian Spotted ducks available in all three colors - greenhead, bluehead, and silverhead. We ended up with Silkies to use as incubators before we realized how easy it is to hatch duck eggs in Little Giant incubators so we are raising BBS bearded Silkies for the fun of it and we have a few nice roosters tnat need homes or they will go to the auction. We also have BBS English Orpingtons since we fell in love with the breed when we hatched them to help buy feed year round since they lay non-stop and we hatch them year round to pay for feed. We need to clear out some roosters before we can start selling pullets but we have already decided to sell most of the hatches we kept because we don't need very many when the ducks are really what we love the most. They were worth fighting for but it sure used up alot of resources to fight city government and the judge hired by the city and paid for with our tax money.

I know alot of you have not realized the many benefits of having backyard ducks with your backyard chickens but if you are considering getting ducks I can help you out!
Oh so great to see you again and how wonderful it is that you have fought so hard for those around you to have chickens & ducks !
Awesome !!! KUDOS to you !!!

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