Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Sorry, but I can not help my self, I just have to comment on health also. I have a neurological problem, restless leg syndem, Fibromyalgia, Cronic fatigue. lots of allergy`s. Last May I decided I have to make some major changes,. Like alternative health...................I went on the YOU TUBE AND DID SOME SEARCHING. Dr. Eric Berg is a good one also Dr.John Bergman. They are Chiropractors but also are knowledge able on alternative health. It is free knowledge and they have helped me allot.
I wish you well.
without a thyroid many things I cannot have, I also have closing of the spinal column in my neck, I was poisoned years ago with dog dips we all thought where safe spent 4 days in a oxygen tank, now I have neuropathy in my feet like little bees all the time and no reflexes in my knees at all. I am a stubborn German and refuse to lay down and die.
I'm in Aberdeen I'll take them!
OKay I got your message, but which do you want ?
The 2 week old chicks (8)
The 2 mo olds (a pair)
The adult pair ?
PM we can meet up!
I do have major issues with hot cold I went hyperthyroid went graves started when it went after my vision and thyroid so radioactive iodine killed the thyroid and we did 500 mg prednisone iv weekly, radiation to the eye socket weekly for 8 weeks psoriasis hands and feet. The pred stopped the psoriasis. once the vision stabilized we did do decompression surgery to both eyes first the dead right hn the left that one wigged me out so bad being totally blind for 48 hours sure showed me giggle.
I will do no radioactivity, I will do no PRED!!!!! I have seen it CAUSE cancer, and I have seen it kill my family & friends.
I hold you in my heart !

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The only change has been the new chickens. I have never dewormed my chickens. Can you actually see the worms in their poop? They are eating and drinking and running around just fine. Today I just started feeding them fermented feed again. It's easier to make a batch for six chickens versus two.
You will never see the worms until you deworm, and then they fall out like spaghetti...seriously !
Sorry, but I can not help my self, I just have to comment on health also. I have a neurological problem, restless leg syndem, Fibromyalgia, Cronic fatigue. lots of allergy`s. Last May I decided I have to make some major changes,. Like alternative health...................I went on the YOU TUBE AND DID SOME SEARCHING. Dr. Eric Berg is a good one also Dr.John Bergman. They are Chiropractors but also are knowledge able on alternative health. It is free knowledge and they have helped me allot.
I wish you well.
Any good web sites please post !
without a thyroid many things I cannot have, I also have closing of the spinal column in my neck, I was poisoned years ago with dog dips we all thought where safe spent 4 days in a oxygen tank, now I have neuropathy in my feet like little bees all the time and no reflexes in my knees at all. I am a stubborn German and refuse to lay down and die.
YOU are just like me...stubborn........I have the bees all over my body & especially feet when I lay doen to sleep, and maybe we should form our own forum instead of nauseating all the healthy people ?
Maybe not, it seems all the healthy people have moved on~~~~
HUGS to you !!
YOU are just like me...stubborn........I have the bees all over my body & especially feet when I lay doen to sleep, and maybe we should form our own forum instead of nauseating all the healthy people ?
Maybe not, it seems all the healthy people have moved on~~~~
HUGS to you !!
Hugs back, stubborn most do not realize there is anything wrong with me like you it is all on the inside. so we go about our days taking pain killer to live a half way normal life, I do not look for sympathy or pity I thank god for letting me see anything, I use a regular cane preferring that over a white one wearing out the front of my shoes and heals. I only take Benadryl to at night as we have 8 cats and I have a mild allergy to them giggle
More power to you also, we take it day to day making the best of our lives so they are. Our chickens help allot finding eggs where ever they lay them, I had one right at the door of the coop one of the last brahmas to actually get old enough her first egg

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