Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

First two days with broody after chicks hatch. "Hi big chicken thing!"

Day three. "OMG! It's going to eat us! It's got dipping sauce and we're mcnuggets!""

:gig McNuggets...
This one looks like one! Look at that little fatty!

See I had never heard of kombucha google tells allot that and tortillas has the benefit

of being anytime meals... I came across a chicken dish with lasagna noodles I

am trying tonight ... the little chick's I picked up from chickenmomma16 are so

cute put your hand in the cant wait to run up into sit in your hand

I wish I could have kept that batch! Both my broody hens this time were broody raised themselves but I still hand tamed them and bribed them with mealworms. Mealworms are pricey but well worth having tame hens when they are older. This other batch of chicks I still have are being raised by a first time laid back broody. They are not as eager to come to me even when the hen calls them over to my hand. One of them is down right suspicious of me!:gig Probably will be a cockerel too! Only 5 left to find homes for ;)

How goes the move?

Slow... We don't have much to move but the current tenants in our new home are taking their sweet time moving out into their new home. They are family friends of our new landlord so I guess they are in no hurry. We are though! Getting excited to use the 5 acres! I'm also having a hard time persuading my DH that I need more small coops for breeding pens. Not just one... :oops:.
I am very excited for my Wheaten Ameraucans to start laying and to set up a couple breeding pens. I think this Blue Wheaten pullet is to:

Pretty birds there gee there is a house for rent out by the mill in Morton
not sure of the land or landlords, have you ever thought of buying?
Does anyone raise mealworms? I have in the past and I want to start up again. I am hoping to get some beetles that may need to be purged or else barter for a batch of mealworms.

My first colony was free because the guy had so many beetles at the time and they live long enough to lay an abundance of eggs. His lizards just couldn't keep up with his supply and the beetles were eating his mealworms because he did not separate them. I was feeding lizards too but now our chickens can consume far more than I am likely to raise in ice cream tubs next to my hot water heater, lol.
Does anyone raise mealworms? I have in the past and I want to start up again. I am hoping to get some beetles that may need to be purged or else barter for a batch of mealworms.

My first colony was free because the guy had so many beetles at the time and they live long enough to lay an abundance of eggs. His lizards just couldn't keep up with his supply and the beetles were eating his mealworms because he did not separate them. I was feeding lizards too but now our chickens can consume far more than I am likely to raise in ice cream tubs next to my hot water heater, lol.
Wowzer @Duck Drover
never thought about raising them, and have not heard any sign of
them around here might look at a bait farm? like for fishing?
couldn't even get help from google on that
Anybody else notice it is quite a bit cooler than it has been
had to break out a sweat shirt over my t shirt
little peeps are in the bachelor pad no access door to outside up yet
and they have heat lamp for a few days till more feathers come in
I will maintain checking on them today to be certain the dog crate they
where in is is clean again so could place them back in there if
this fails
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I was expecting the weather changes since it's Labor Day this weekend that's our normal end of summer.

Actually had low temperature down to 37 last week. We got a light frost here. mid September last year.
I was expecting the weather changes since it's Labor Day this weekend that's our normal end of summer.

Actually had low temperature down to 37 last week. We got a light frost here. mid September last year.
we might have the joy of no remembering short term.
see we have not had the low temps at all this year and
today is the first I have wanted the heat on
I'm a bit disappointed that it feels so much like winter now. Last week it was FINALLY starting to feel like summer. I guess one or two weeks was all that we were allowed to have down here at the beach.
Last summer was gorgeous. Warm and sunny everyday for months. This year was cool, overcast, and foggy. Hoping for a better gardening conditions next year...
I'm a bit disappointed that it feels so much like winter now. Last week it was FINALLY starting to feel like summer. I guess one or two weeks was all that we were allowed to have down here at the beach.
Last summer was gorgeous. Warm and sunny everyday for months. This year was cool, overcast, and foggy. Hoping for a better gardening conditions next year...

It was not nearly as nice this year inland either. Quite disappointing! Just when we get some nice hot days, it's over. I know we need the rain but needing and wanting are two different things! We had thunder here last night so loud it shook the house.

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