Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I know what you mean. I don't work outside the home but heck, I don't even like to leave my house! LOL

A house person like me...go to the mall or stay home for me I will stay home. If I do not have to leave I won't.

The avatar pic is of Hawk Creek outside of Davenport WA I am from CA but the fishing in WA is great and I caught some really nice fish in this creek.
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Yep! I think I only leave the house about twice a week. One for church on Sunday. The other for taking the kids to AWANA at church so I can go to bible study. Sometimes I grocery shop but mostly DH does that on his way home from work every day. I just tell him the couple things we need and he grabs them for me.

The chicks experiencing the world outside for the very first time. Four Black Copper Marans and four Olive Eggers.
Can't see all the combs, but at least 4 cockerels.
Quote: If it is that close and a small space, a 40W will be plenty. I have a 60W in my tractor that is 3' above where the chicks can be under it.
Quote: The rooster has nothing to do with determining sex. Hens carry the sex chromosomes.
Yeah Carolyn I'm totally jealous! Both meetups this week won't work for me with DHs schedule and the kids' extra stuff this week. Bummed!! I think we need a meetup near me!
Jess, Plan a meet-up, which after quoting this you all seem to be doing one close to ya.
Anyone know how long is typical for a broody to be off nest each day? Lucy gets off on her own once a day in the morning and so far she's been off for 15 minutes with no signs of goin back inside yet. She's out free ranging with the rest of the girls in the rain eating loads of grass. I gave her some mealworms for more protein than the layer feed they're all on still and am buyi g BOSS today
I would say if she is off less than 2 hours then she is ok. In colder temps, she should be off less. This is what I have read from others with broodies.
Quote: Drahma may figure out she CAN actually fly. I caught my rooster, Pig Pen, up on the saw horse in the run. He had to fly up 30". First time I have caught him flying.
I got a great new big enough coop for $75 on Craigslist! I'm so excited.

It is new bare wood--what should I treat it with to make it last in the rain? I have it in the garage right now to keep it dry until I can paint it or whatever. Should I put anything on the roof?

I'm going to build external nest boxes and put a clean out door on the back. Half of the roof comes off for cleaning but it's heavy. It needs a latch on the door and rungs on the ladder.

Exterior house paint or stain. IMO I would stain it, that wood is purdy
I am praying like crazy that my broody will take the chicks I give her in 2 weeks!

Whew, 199 posts to go through after not checking in 30hrs. Took me 40 minutes. I moved the Silkies and orphan LF chicks out to the tractor today. They stink and one of the Silkie cockerels tried crowing this morning. The teens have been accepted as part of Pig Pen's flock, finally. I think I got my first egg from my GSL, Amber, yesterday or today. Smaller dark brown egg in the bunch, yay. Also both the EE teens squated for me today, maybe eggs soon from them too. Tomorrow I start building the pallet coops. On vacation still until Sunday night, gonna take advantage of dry weather and get to do the South Meet-up. Yay
The chicken guy at Reber told me today that Amprollium doesn't get into eggs because it's only in their digestive tract. So he advised me to buy the new chicks/mama Lucy medicated chick starter vs. flock raiser. Is this accurate? I don't mind if he was wrong, but we'll toss her eggs once she starts laying again if he was wrong.

Shoot! Dear Honey works nights, I work days...I am LUCKY to get 15 mins on the tredmill when I get home! After that it's clean up the kitchen (because you know him and the four boys and little girl at home make a straight mess!), cook dinner, and then clean up the kitchen again. I try and get some work done on my paintings and then its off to bed, praying The Good Lord gives me a chance to do it all again tomorrow!

Between his work schedule and my work schedule I am lucky to have a chance to get to the grocery store lest we starve!!!!
here are my 3 eggs. The order of pictures is them before candling, then candled brown, cream colored, then white. :) Can't wait to see what I end up with for chicks. The rooster is a tiny cochin silky mix that is calico colored and has the fur on his head that is like a fro. The hens are white leg horn (an albino one with pink eyes, pink comb and white everything else), black sex link, barred rock, one unknown breed. :D

The chicken guy at Reber told me today that Amprollium doesn't get into eggs because it's only in their digestive tract. So he advised me to buy the new chicks/mama Lucy medicated chick starter vs. flock raiser. Is this accurate? I don't mind if he was wrong, but we'll toss her eggs once she starts laying again if he was wrong.

I would only buy one 5lb bag of medicated feed. That is all I did for my broodies chicks.The 5lb bag will last almost a week, you don't need to do medicated for more than that time. And you don't have to worry if you feed more longer, she won't lay until she weans them away. So likely she won't lay for 8-16 weeks after you put them under her. Since they are going to be raised outside, they will immediately be exposed to cocci(the medicated feed will help them deal with it) and they will build a healthy tolerance to it, also make sure to do ACV(un-pasteurized) in their water.
So, I may be just a crazy person, but I don't vaccinate and do not plan on doing so with my chickens. I am a huge fan of ACV, and can understand the need for medication. Are there others out here who choose not to vaccinate their flock? Just curious how their flocks do....

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