Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hey All!

I'm in Tacoma too, & I would love to attend a south end meet! Ikea sounds like a blast! But I won't be able to until closer to the end of tax season. It's bizarre that I even got off as early as I did tonight. 70 hrs/wk really kicks ya where it counts...

My little chicks are growing so fast! I may have a roo in the bunch... I'm hoping not. City limits forbid it!! And my big girls are getting their wattles (I think that's what they're called), and one of em is even "reddening" up a bit! Oooh buddy!

Also, if anyone has any fertile eggs they would be willing to donate or discount for my daughters science fair project, I would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise we'll be making salt & sugar crystals. That's so not as fun! I'm more than willing to give the chicks back once they've hatched. Please PM me! I can pick up.

Wish me luck, 36 work hours left in the next 3 days. :-/
Ok so this might sound silly. But I have a promise to keep to my lone hen. I promised this hen that if she survived the winter, I would get her a new flock to raise.

So does anyone have any barn yard bantam mix's coming available early spring? I'm only looking for three or four.
Hi, it doesn't sound silly at all. I have the same story. One lone RIR hen that was left here by a renter when we took our rental off the market. I gave her the same promise. Last June I got 4 EE chicks to go with her. They are now a tight flock. She loves having other chickens around. Her best friend before this was the next door neighbors old dog. She and Abby the dog slept, played and roamed together. Now she doesn't give Abby the time of day and loves having a chicken coop.

By the way, you are just over the hill from me. I'm off the Suquamish Hwy. X Lincoln in Poulsbo.
Nah! Don't worry about it! I'll usher you right through so fast you won't know what hit you. I hate shopping.

I'd have a 2 year old with me. The only thing he does "fast" is go from happy to fussy!

Don't they have a play area for little kids?
ALSO anybody who may be thinking about coming to my place after. Be warned We have a lot of standing water so ya may want to bring "barn shoes" unless ya wanna go bare foot.

My husband got some ankle high Muck boots last year. He loves them because they sre so easy to get on and off. I finally ordered a pair and got them last week. They are AMAZING! This time of year our property is slick as snot in places. You can just tromp on through when you wear them. Can't wait to try them out at your place.


Vickie et al
Well, it looks like my new coop wont be going up til this summer... bummer
Also, apparently where I thought we were gonna put it, I guess thats where the new horse shelters and paddocks are going.... grrrrr. "someone" wants to put them in the back corner of the property. Im not a fan of that idea at all. So now its time to brainstorm on where else to put them on my 5.1 acres that I feel comfortable with
Well..... I sure was way far behind.... Lol.... So 10 or 11 at ikea this Saturday is fine, I will have my 6yr old with me..... Just let me know
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Don't they have a play area for little kids?
Yes they do, and it's FREEEEEE! lol... but be prepared to wait in line unless you get their early. People like to pawn their whole family off in there.

P.S. Try the meatballs, they're amazing! and it might even be a "kids eat free" weekend. You'd have to check.
Well, I introduced some scrap grass hay to my chicken run. At first they walked on it like it was hot lava but as soon as threw their scratch in there, they all practically dive bombed into it. Will be putting another wheel barrel full in there later today :) They will enjoy walking on the hay instead of the hard dirt...lol

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