Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I'll definitely be at IKEA on Saturday, unless the kid throws a total fit. Which he may. Something's going on, maybe a new molar coming in. He's been waking up during the night again if he has the slightest discomfort (he's been really gassy). Today he drooled all over in the car, too. He's got his 2 1/2 year check up coming up, I'll have the pediatrician check him over.

After the meet up, I want to find the Chevrolet dealership in Issaquah. I want to look at a new Traverse, and nobody on this side of the lake has one! They also have a used one I've had my eye on. I have to do all my looking on my own since my husband considers car shopping to be torture. I think it's fun!

??????????  Those are some feirce horsies!!

Well she hasn't actually eaten any dogs or coyotes, but she sure tries too! Chases them right out of the field teeth bared, snaking her head/neck after them! Luckily she seems to know that our dogs are part of the herd, and doesn't bother them.

I haven't even had the bear wander onto my property since bringing the horses here.
If my kid chooses to do an embryology science project... does anyone have 12 fertilized eggs they'd like incubated and will you take the newborn chicks off our hands within a day or two of hatch? We can't have and don't want any more chicks than we already have. His project is due March 8, which means we'd need to get going on this in early Feb since it takes 21 days to hatch.

We have two small incubators and can run a science project titled "Will rotating eggs have an effect on hatch rate"? Since half of the eggs will not be rotated, we wouldn't want to use expensive breeds. But, we would want something that someone wants chicks of.

I will bring you what I collect today and tomorrow morning. Should be between 8-11 eggs. They are from Splash Orp rooster and BR, BO, PRIR and GSL girls(GSL may not be fertile, she has only laid 2 eggs and I have not checked if fertile)
Quote: Spiffy's. Come on Jess, ya gotta come too.
Quote: If Itsren hatches my eggs I give her, you are more than welcome to have the chicks. I don't need more, but will take them back if I must. The chicks will all be blue in color with some hen color leakage possible. One cockerel(9 weeks old) I hatched from BR hen is Blue Laced with ghost barring. Looks real cool
That sounds great! No worries - I can get them to ya! Now I just need some egg donors.
Anyone? I'm cracking myself up, that sounds so funny.
Like above I will bring what I have.
YES The Reservation is under Rob Jenkins. I warn things area mess here right now.
No worries, My property is a mud bog too, even with an 8 degree slope to it.
This Sat at IKEA and a Tacoma meet up at Goofy Goose (most appropriate) on 6th ave on Feb 16th for those who are interested

Goofy Goose is some awesomeness for hamburgers and teriyaki!!!

Hi in Tacoma! Hope your work slows down some! We are getting together mid Feb for the Tacoma folks :0)
I just saw that! How wonderful! Hopefully, we will slow down some by then, but usually not until mid-March.
But the Goofy Goose is awesome!

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